Doctor's Degrees awarded in 2018

Henrique de Paula Reis

Thesis title: “Interacting Diffusions on Random Graphs”
Degree awarded: December, 10th, 2018
Advisor: Roberto Imbuzeiro de Oliveira

Bely Rodrígues Morales

Thesis title: “Logarithmic Modules for Chiral Differential Operators of Nilmanifolds”
Degree awarded: December, 10th, 2018
Advisor: Reimundo Heluani

Marcos Cossarini

Thesis title: “Discrete surfaces with length and area and isometric fillings of the circle”
Degree awarded: September, 24th, 2018
Advisor: Mikhail Belolipetskiy

Adriana Cristina Sanchez Chavarria

Thesis title: “Contributions to the continuity problem for Lyapunov exponents”
Degree awarded: August, 24th, 2018
Advisor: Marcelo Viana

Ermerson Rocha Arajo

Thesis title: “Kneading sequences for a two-dimensional family”
Degree awarded: July, 30th, 2018
Advisor: Enrique Pujals

Luis Fernando Lozano Guerrero

Thesis title: “Diffusive effects in Riemann problem solutions for three phase flow in porous media”
Degree awarded: July, 27th, 2018
Advisor: Dan Marchesin

Cayo Rodrigo Felizardo Dória

Thesis title: “How systoles grow”
Degree awarded: July, 18th, 2018
Advisor: Mikhail Belolipetskiy

Pedro Henrique Gaspar Marques da Silva

Thesis title: “The Allen-Cahn equation and variational aspects of minimal hypersurfaces”
Degree awarded: July, 04th, 2018
Advisor: Fernando Codá

Gisele Teixeira Paula

Thesis title: “On geometry of Siegel sets for lattices in SL_n”
Degree awarded: June, 22th, 2018
AdvisorMikhail Belolipetskiy

Alan Anderson da Silva Pereira

Thesis title: “Topics in discrete probability: analysis of the past and of the future”
Degree awarded: May, 22th, 2018
Advisor: Roberto Imbuzeiro

Ailton Campos do Nascimento

Thesis title: “Propagation of regularity for solutions of 2D nonlinear dispersive equation”
Degree awarded: May, 10th, 2018
Advisor: Felipe Linares

Roberto Carlos Alvarenga da Silva Junior

Thesis title: “Hecke operators and Hall algebras for global function fields”
Degree awarded: March, 13th, 2018
Advisor: Oliver Lorscheid

Hugo Fonseca Araújo

Thesis title: “Stable Intersections of Conformal Cantor sets in the Complex plane and Homoclinic Bifurcations”
Degree awarded: February, 28th, 2018
Advisor: Carlos Gustavo Moreira

El Hadji Yaya Tall

Thesis title: “Moduli of Continuity for the Lyapunov Exponents of Random GL(2)-cocycles”
Degree awarded: February, 28th, 2018
Advisor: Marcelo Viana

Marcelo Velloso Flamarion Vasconcellos

Thesis title: “Modelos para ondas Geradas Devido à Interação de uma Correnteza com Topografia”
Degree awarded: February, 2th, 2018
Advisor: André Nachbin
Paul Milewski

Yadollah Zare

Thesis title: “Pull Back of Polynomial Differential Equations”
Degree awarded: February, 9th, 2018
Advisor: Hossein Movasati

Felippe Soares Guimarães

Thesis title: “Singular Genuine Rigidity and a Hartmann’s like Theorem”
Degree awarded: January, 4th, 2018
AdvisorLuis A. Florit