One of IMPA’s central activities is the dissemination of knowledge through the production and distribution of mathematical texts of varied character and objectives, to build Brazilian literature on mathematics.
IMPA publishes books in the following sections:
- Projeto Euclides Series
- Matemática Universitária Series
- Mathematics and Applications Series
- Livros da OBMEP Series
- IMPA Monographs
- Optimization
- Um Passeio Matemático Singular
Others IMPA’s Publications
The Mathematical Notes, Mathematical Monographs Series, Brazilian Colloquiums of Mathematics Series and Mathematical Publications Series, disseminate expository work compiled as the result of research studies as well as course materials, seminary texts or scientific meetings sponsored by IMPA.
- Mathematical Notes (1947 – 1969)
- Mathematical Monographs Series (1970 – 2000)
- Brazilian Colloquiums of Mathematics Series
- Mathematical Publications Series
All texts available here are for personal use only. They cannot be copied to other sites nor distributed in any other way. The copyrights belong to their respective authors, unless stated to the contrary. Some of these texts are only available at IMPA’s domain.
Livro Aberto de Matemática
In addition, IMPA develops a collaborative project for didactic books, in an open source platform that allows a constant update for multiples partners.