XVII Escola de Álgebra
A XVII Escola de Álgebra, comemorando 30 anos de Escola de Álgebra no Brasil, será realizada em Cabo Frio, 150km ao norte do Rio de Janeiro de 5 a 9 de agosto de 2002.
Escolas anteriores
Comissão Organizadora
- Guilherme Leal (UFRJ – UB) (Coordenador)
- Amílcar Pacheco (UFRJ – UB)
- Arnaldo Garcia (IMPA)
- Flávio Coelho (USP)
- Abramo Hefez (UFF)
Plenary Talks
Robert Griess (Michigan) – Groups, nonassociative algebras and vertex operator algebras
Steven L Kleiman (MIT) – Bounding solutions of Pfaff equations
Hans-Georg Rück (Kassel) – Elliptic Curves over Function Fields
Wolmer Vasconcelos (Rutgers) – Integral Closure of Ideals
Invited Talks
Carolina B. Araujo (Princeton) – Kähler-Einstein Metrics for some Complex Algebraic Surfaces
Isabel Bermejo (Tenerife) – Saturation index and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
Marc Chardin (Paris VII, Jussieu) – Blow-up algebras and free resolutions of residual intersections
Flávio Ulhoa Coelho (USP) – Two-sided gluing of tilted algebras
Severino Collier Coutinho (UFRJ – UB) – On the density of algebraic foliations without algebraic solutions
Michael A. Dokuchaev (USP) – Partial actions, partial group rings and crossed products
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA) – Limit linear systems and ramification points
Vitor de Oliveira Ferreira (USP – SC) – Firs under field extensions
Miguel Ferrero (UFRGS) – Strongly Rings and Ideals
Antonio Giambruno (Palermo) – Algebras with polynomial identities and codimension growth
Hemar Godinho (UnB) – Additive forms over p-adic numbers
Jairo Zacarias Goncalves (USP) – Free unit groups in algebras
Barry William Green (Stellenbosch) – Recent results on liftings of galois covers of smooth curves
John Groves (Melbourne) – Modules over free nilpotent groups
Chat Ho (Florida) – Collineation groups of translation planes and linear groups
Masaki Homma (Kanagawa) – Conics with a Hermitian curve
Orlando Stanley Juriaans (USP) – Structure theorems in algebras and applications to group and semi group rings
Takao Kato (Yamaguchi) – Martens’ Dimension Theorem for Curves of Even Gonality
Plamen Emilov Kochloukov (UNICAMP) – Polynomial identities in algebras over infinite fields
Daniel Levcovitz (USP – SC) – Differential simplicity and algebraic independence of power series
Arnaldo Mandel (USP) – Free groups generated by transvections
Eduardo Nascimento Marcos (USP) – Koszul modules and modules with linear presentation
Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA) – Hilbert modular foliations in the projective plane
Alexander Prestel (Konstanz) – Fields with universal Local–Global–Principles and relatively projective profinite groups
Francesco Russo (UFPE) – Projectively rational varieties
René Schoof (Roma II) – Arakelov class groups of number fields
Mazi Shirvani (Alberta) – Metabelain and free subgroups in division rings
Said Najati Sidki (UnB) – Groups generated by finite automata
Pavel Shumyatsky (UnB) – Varieties related to the Restricted Burnside Problem
Aron Simis (UFPE) – On monomial ideals and subalgebras
Douglas Ulmer (Arizona) – Elliptic curves over function fields
Pavel Zaleski (UnB) – Virtually Projective Groups
Contributed Talks
Miriam Abdon (Puc-Rio) – On Maximal Curves over Finite Fields
Antonio Aparecido de Andrade (UNESP) – Uma nota sobre transformada de fourier sobre aneis finitos e aplicacoes
Sérgio Sardinha de Azevedo (UNICAMP) Graded identities for matrix algebras
Viktor Bekkert (UFRN) Quantum Weyl Algebra Modules
Maria de Nazare Carvalho Bezerra (USP) Variações no P-subespaço UV em álgebras de Bernstein
Paulo Brumatti (UNICAMP) Anéis deferencialmente simples obtidos a partir de anéis de polinômios
Cicero Fernandes de Carvalho (UFU) On numerical semigroups related to coverings of curves
Diane Castonguay (Université de Sherbrooke) Incidence algebras and the Euler characteristic
Gladys Chalom (USP) Extensões por um ponto de álgebras quasinclinadas
Jones Colombo (Unicamp) Central Polynomials in the matrix algebra of order two
Luciane Quoos Conte (UFRJ – UB) Gênero de curvas maximais cobertas pela curva Hermitiana
Wagner De Oliveira Cortes (UFRGS) Sobre o Radical de Brown McCoye ideais maximais de skew aneis de polinomios de tipo automorfismo
Antonio Engler (UNICAMP) Critério Para Decomposição De Um Pro-2 Grupo de Galois Em Produto Livre
Bernardo Felzenszwalb (UFRJ – UB) On rings which are sums of two Pi rings: a combinatorial approach
Raul Antonio Ferraz (USP) Subgrupos livres no grupo de unidades de Z[K8xCp]
Marcelo Firer (Unicamp) Construction and Labeling of Geometrically Uniform Signal Constellations in the Hyperbolic Plane
H. Guzzo Jr. (USP) A special class of n-th order Bernstein algebras
Irina Kashuba (USP) Variety of Jordan algebras
Michael P. Knapp (Rochester) Systems of additive equations over p-adic fields
Alexei Krasilnikov (visitante UnB) A non-finitely based variety of centre-by-abelian-by-nilpotent groups of exponent 8
Renato Vidal Martins (UFMG) On Trigonal Non-Gorenstein Curves with Zero Maroni Invariant
Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez (UFMG) Normal Subloop of Zorn’s Loop
Trajano Pires da Nóbrega Neto (UNESP) A new construction techinique for lattices from subfields of ${mathbb Q}(zeta _{pq})$
Patricia Helena Araujo da Silva Nogueira (IMPA) Divisores de Ramificação de Sistemas Lineares Fracionários
Ivan Pan (UFRGS) Sobre os subgrupos finitos do grupo de cremona do plano
Antonio Paques (UNICAMP) Sobre bases normais auto-duais
Luiz A. Peresi (USP) Nilalgebras de Dimensao 6 e 7
Nigel Pitt (UnB) Cusp form coefficients in exponential sums
Alveri Alves Sant’Ana (UFRGS) Distributividade em anéis e módulos
Angela Marta Pereira das Dores Savioli (UEL) Álgebras fracamente shod e teoria inclinante
José Carlos de Souza Junior (USP – SC) d-Simple rings and maximal ideals of the Weyl algebra
Rogério Ricardo Steffenon (UNISINOS) Extensões Normalizantes de Anéis
Humberto Luiz Talpo (Unicamp) Trees and Reflection Groups
Carmen Rosa Giraldo Vergara (UFRJ – UB) Zorn’s Matrices and finite index subloops
Panel Session
Lúcia de Fátima de Medeiros Brandão (UFPB) Deformações planas via Bayer/Mumford
Tatiana Bertoldi Carlos (Unesp) Contelações e Códigos sobre os Anéis dos Inteiros Algébricos de Q(i) e Q((-3)^(1/2))
Rita de Cássia Fanhani Meira (Unesp) Formas Quadráticas e Extensões de Valorizações
Josinalva Estacio Menezes (UFPB) Sobre a perfeição das variedades determinantais genéricas
Andréia Cristina Ribeiro (UNESP) Reticulados sobre corpos de números e empacotamento esférico
Tatiana Miguel Rodrigues (Unesp) Cúbicas Galoisianas e Aplicações
Flávia Souza Machado da Silveira (UNESP) Cohomologia de Grupos e Extensões Cindidas