
‘Figalli é um dos maiores nomes da Matemática de sua geração’

01/08/2018 às 17:59

Luis Caffarelli homenageia vencedor da medalha Fields em palestra no ICM

Premiados no ICM relembram sua vida com os números

01/08/2018 às 17:39

Para medalhistas, cada enigma resolvido abre novas questões

ICM Award winners Reminisce about Finding Joy in Math

01/08/2018 às 16:07

These geniuses shared their experiences and posed with their new metalware

Fields Medal winner, Peter Scholze, has infinite problems to solve

01/08/2018 às 15:31

The brilliant ‘Mozart of mathematics’ was always the favourite to win this year

Fields Medal winner Caucher Birkar: 'Suddenly I have wings'

01/08/2018 às 15:31

Farmers’ son tells of ‘unlikely’ rise to top of mathematic world

Fields Medal winner Akshay Venkatesh was a Child Prodigy

01/08/2018 às 15:31

For the mathematician, “manipulating numbers” bring him happiness

Fields winner Alessio Figalli works on optimal transport

01/08/2018 às 15:31

Italian mathematician takes home top Math prize

Budding Brazilian mathematicians attend ICM 2018

01/08/2018 às 15:01

Math competition winners invited to attend conference

Official statement from the International Congress of Mathematics

01/08/2018 às 14:44

Briefcase of prize-winning researcher disappears at Riocentro

Turkey’s Mathematics Village founder awarded Leelavati Prize

01/08/2018 às 14:29

Ali Nesin will receive the Leelavati Prize on August 8

ICM 2018 kicks off with a festival of Brazilian culture

01/08/2018 às 14:23

Colorful opening ceremony kickstarted the Congress.

Constantinos Daskalakis wins the Nevanlinna award

01/08/2018 às 13:10

The MIT professor’s work focuses on game theory and mechanism design

David Donoho wins Gauss prize at ICM 2018

01/08/2018 às 13:01

American professor awarded for remarkable contribution to math

Masaki Kashiwara wins the Chern Medal at ICM 2018

01/08/2018 às 12:45

Professor commended for lifelong contribution to algebraic analysis

Researchers from Germany, India, Iran and Italy take home the 2018 Fields Medal

01/08/2018 às 10:22

The most prestigious international award in mathematics will be given on August 1st in Rio de Janeiro during the 2018 ICM’s opening ceremony