Brazil's Brightest: Gugu, the Eternal Math Olympian
03/08/2018 às 14:21Expert on dynamical systems shares hopes for more democracy in Plenary Lecture
“Divirtam-se com a Matemática”, recomenda Gugu
03/08/2018 às 13:27Pesquisador do IMPA fez palestra no plenário do ICM 2018
The Research Conundrum: Write lots of easy papers, or tackle the tough ones
03/08/2018 às 12:33“The reason we don’t know how to prove something is that we don’t know how to prove it.”
The Shape of Geometry to Come According to Andrei Okounkov
03/08/2018 às 12:24Okounkov’s presentation left a great impression on his fans
Mulheres debatem presença na Matemática e nas ciências
02/08/2018 às 20:54Mesa redonda discutiu desigualdade de gênero e propostas de mudança
‘Master of Dreams’ inspires next generation of mathematicians
02/08/2018 às 20:20French researcher, Etienne Ghys, delivers stunning lecture to young medallists
Medalhas de ouro da OBMEP são entregues a 575 jovens
02/08/2018 às 19:53Ministro da Educação destaca a participação de meninas na Olimpíada
“Every one of you is a potential candidate for the Fields Medal”
02/08/2018 às 19:42More than 500 students were awarded for exceptional performance in math
Learning math in twenty minutes
02/08/2018 às 19:29Math teachers from all over the world shared their best tips
'I never heard of any famous female mathematicians'
02/08/2018 às 19:25As Brazilian girls get older their math scores worsen
Artur Avila recebe comenda do Ministério da Educação
02/08/2018 às 19:02Pesquisador do Impa recebeu a Medalha da Ordem Nacional do Mérito Educativo
How Maryna Viazovska cracked the Higher Dimension Sphere Packing Code
02/08/2018 às 18:11Her next goal is to solve a problem nobody has thought of yet
Computação quântica promete resolver problemas “insolúveis”
02/08/2018 às 17:36Pesquisadores já podem obter acesso a alguns qubits de processamento