XIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization

Honoring Dr. Alfredo Iusem in his 70th birthday


IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, from September 23 – 27, 2019


The XIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization will take place at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between September 23 and 27, 2019.

 Subjects to be discussed encompass theoretical, computational and implementation issues, in both linear and non-linear programming, including variational inequalities, complementarity problems, nonsmooth optimization, vector optimization, generalized equations, etc.

The backbone of the workshop will consist of plenary lectures, offered by invited speakers, of 45 minutes each. There will be also a limited number of contributed talks, of 25 minutes each. Those interested in contributing a talk should send an abstract, by electronic mail, to the addresses below, no later than May 31, 2019. Acceptation of the contributed talks will be informed no later than June 30, 2019.

***Official hotels and agencies are not allowed to contact participants, unless he/she had already contact the hotel previously. To make a reservation, please contact the hotel of your choice directly.*** 



Organizing Committee:

  • Fernanda Raupp (PUC-RJ)
  • Luis Mauricio Graña Drummond (UFRJ)
  • Suely Lima (IMPA)
  • Yuan Jin Yun (UFPR)
  • Regina S. Burachik (University of South Australia)

Scientific Committee:

  • Alfredo Iusem (IMPA)
  • Benar Svaiter (IMPA)
  • Claudia Sagastizábal (UNICAMP)
  • Ernesto Birgin (IME-USP)
  • José Mario Martínez Pérez (UNICAMP)
  • Mikhail Solodov (IMPA)
  • Roberto Andreani (UNICAMP)
  • Sandra Santos (UNICAMP)
  • Yuan Jin Yun (UFPR)


Postal Address: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 
E-mail: eventos@impa.br