
Pedro Benedini Riul (UFSJ)
Relating second order geometry of manifolds in Euclidean spaces through projections and normal sections

Alex Carlucci Rezende (UFSCar)*
The family of quadratic differential systems with invariant ellipses: a complete classification in the space 12

Enrique Chávez Martínez (UNAM)
On a conjecture of the higher Nash blow-up on curves

Thaís Maria Dalbelo (UFSCar)*
Stratified Morse critical points and Euler obstruction

Ingrid Sofia Meza Sarmiento (UFSCar)
Topological Classification of circle–valued simple Morse–Bott functions on orientable surfaces

Otoniel N. da Silva (UNAM)
Equisingularity in families of generically reduced curve

Guillermo Peñafort Sanchis (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
Connectivity results for singular map-germs

Fernando Pereira Paulucio Reis (UFES)
Singular foliations, asymptotic analysis and integrability

Antoni Rangachev (Chicago University)
Generalized smoothability

José Edson Sampaio (UFC)
On Lipschitz regularity of analytic sets at infinity

Thiago Filipe da Silva (UFES)
The double structure for arbitrary modules and schemes

Patrícia Tempesta (UFSJ)
The fundamental symmetry of homogeneous binary differential equations

Dominik Wrazidlo (Kyushu University)
Cobordism of Morse functions, and applications to map germs at boundary points


*To be Confirmed