Masters Degrees awarded in 2016

Matheus de Alencar Severo

Degree awarded: December, 21th, 2016
Advisor: Claudio Landim

Marcelo Santos da Silva

Degree awarded: November, 11th, 2016
Advisor: Jorge Vitório Pereira

Brian David Vasquez Campos

Dissertation Title: “Kakeya Sets and Applications To Analysis”
Degree awarded: August, 08th, 2016
Advisor: Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira

Dyego Sares de Araújo

Dissertation Title: “Curvas B-Spline e de Bézier Aplicadas a CADG”
Degree awarded: July, 18th, 2016
Advisor: José Maria Espinar

Guilherme Tegoni Goedert

Dissertation Title: “Asymptotic Blowup Solutions in MHD Shell Model of Turbulence”
Degree awarded: June, 28th, 2016
Advisor: Alexei Mailybaev

Gregory Cosac Daher

Degree awarded: April, 09th, 2016
Advisor: Mikhail Belolipetskiy

Pedro Henrique Borges de Melo

Dissertation Title: “Optimization Methods for Locating Heteroclinic Orbirts”
Degree awarded: April, 01st, 2016
Advisor: Dan Marchesin 

Diana Carolina Torres Valencia

Degree awarded: March, 18th, 2016
Advisor: Carlos Gustavo Moreira 

Letícia Alves da Silva

Degree awarded: March, 16th, 2016
Advisor: Reimundo Heluani 

Brian David Grajales Triana

Degree awarded: March, 16th, 2016
Advisor: Carolina Araujo

Valdir José Pereira Júnior

Degree awarded: March, 10th, 2016
Advisor: Oliver Lorscheid

João Pedro Gonçalves Ramos

Degree awarded: February, 29th, 2016
Advisor:  Claudio Landim

Roberto Andrés Viveros Vera

Degree awarded: February, 26th, 2016
Advisor: Benar Fux Svaiter

Juan Sebastian Rodriguez Carreno

Degree awarded: February, 26th, 2016
Advisor: Luis A. Florit

Alexander Agudelo Velez

Degree awarded: February, 26th, 2016
Advisor: Henrique Bursztyn

Jamerson Douglas dos Santos Bezerra

Degree awarded: February, 23th, 2016
Advisor: Felipe Linares

Juan Esteban Villarreal Montoya

Degree awarded: February, 23th, 2016
Advisor: Augusto Q. Teixeira

Pablo Javier Antuña Benitez

Dissertation Title: “Singular Traveling Waves in Systems of Balance Laws”
Degree awarded: February, 19th, 2016
Advisor: Alexey Mailybaev