Moduli Spaces and Enumerative Geometry

Thematic Program on Algebraic Geometry

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, April, 6 – 10  





Invited Lectures

Valery Alexeev (U. Georgia)
On uniformization of moduli spaces of abelian varieties

Jarod Alper (Australian National University)
A Luna etale slice theorem for algebraic stacks

Ugo Bruzzo (SISSA)
Higgs Geometry

Francesco Cavazzani (Harvard)
Complete twisted cubiccs

Dawei Chen (Boston College)
Moduli spaces of curves and Teichmueller dynamics

Alessandro Chiodo (Jussieu)
Néron models of Picard groups by Picard groups

Ethan Cotterill (UFF)
Dimension counts for singular rational curves

Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP)
Instanton sheaves and components of the moduli space of semistable sheaves on the projective space

Alex Massarenti (IMPA)
On the automorphisms of moduli spaces of curves

Marco Pacini (UFF)
Enriched structures on algebraic and tropical curves

Ragni Piene (U. Oslo)
Counting curves on singular surfaces

Bernd Siebert (U. Hamburg)
Toward a toroidal modular compactification of moduli spaces of polarized K3 surfaces

Alan Thompson (U. Waterloo)
Towards a compactification of the moduli space of K3 surfaces of degree two

Israel Vainsencher (UFMG)
Polynomial degrees for hypersurfaces with non-isolated singularities

List of Registered Participants



Eduardo Esteves (IMPA)
Introduction to Moduli Theory


Organizing and Scientific Committee

Eduardo Esteves (IMPA)
Lothar Göttsche (ICTP)
Klaus Hulek (Hannover)




Registration Fees

Category Fee
IMPA’s Students R$ 40.00
Students (Master/Ph.D) R$ 60.00
Researchers and Professors (Ph.D’s) R$ 120.00


Thematic Program on Algebraic Geometry Webpage



Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 