
11th ALGA Meeting

Maresias, São Paulo, de 16/10 até 22/10

It will be held in Maresias, on the coast of the State of São Paulo, in Maresias Beach Hotel

Organizing Committee
Carolina Araujo (IMPA)
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA)
Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP)


First Announcement (March 21, 2011)

Dear Colleague:

It is a pleasure to announce the 11th edition of ALGA, the Brazilian meeting on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra. It will be in Maresias, on the coast of the State of São Paulo, in Maresias Beach Hotel (, from October 16 to 22, 2011. As you might know already, the ALGA meetings have been for years gathering points for those in the field in Brazil and their present and future collaborators from abroad. For their history, please see:

As in past editions, we are hoping for a vibrant event in a relaxed, inviting atmosphere, perfect to continue or start collaborations! So, please mark the week in your agenda, and if you can and would like to take part of it, let us know!

Please expect further, more detailed announcements, in the weeks to come.

Best regards,

Carolina Araujo, Eduardo Esteves (IMPA)and Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP)


Second Announcement (September 5, 2011)

Dear Colleague:

This is the second and last general announcement of the 11th edition of ALGA, the Brazilian meeting on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, to take place in Maresias, on the coast of the State of São Paulo, at Maresias Beach Hotel (, from October 16 to 22, 2011. There is a home page, permanently in construction and hopelessly outdated, at

If you would like to take part in the meeting, please let us know by replying to this message.

Some practical information:

1) Registration:

You are automatically registered if you accepted our invitation to speak or to present a poster. Everyone else must register by sending a message to At any rate, EVERYONE must (please) tell us:

– Your full name,
– Your nationality, – The university or institute you are affiliated to,
– Your address (or that of the university or institute you are affiliated to)
– Your passport number or CPF (Brazilian fiscal code),
– If arriving by plane to Guarulhos or Galeão, the air company, the flight number and the virtual (some call it expected) arrival date and time.

Please register by September 16 to receive further announcements. If you want to register by phone, call me at +55-21-2529-5218, but DON’T trust your message to the answering machine.

2) Financial help:

If you would like to ask for financial help, please let us know by September 16. All speakers and poster presenters will be offered funds to help cover accommodation costs. If you haven’t been offered funds for air travel, please do not ask us for them. We will be able to offer help to cover accomodation costs to selected participants. You will know whether you have been selected for financial help by September 21. In principle, due to restrictions on the usage of the funds we have access to, you will be offered at most 187 reais per day, for at most 6 days. We may be able to cover more for selected participants.

3) Accomodation costs:

The hotel charges (taxes included) per day are:

Single apartment: R$250,00
Double apartment: R$170,00 for each of the two occupants
Triple apartment: R$145,00 for each of the three occupants

The charges include room for a night, dinner, breakfast and lunch. So, those staying for the whole duration of the meeting, from Sunday evening to Saturday morning, thus paying for six days, will have all the meals covered from dinner on Sunday to lunch on Saturday. We must be informed of the type of apartment you will want by September 26. Unless you let us know explicitly that you do not trust us (no bad feelings), or let us us know about your roommates, if you choose a double or triple apartment, we will select other participant(s) to accommodate you with.

4) Transportation:

There will be a bus (or minibus, or van) leaving Guarulhos airport, in São Paulo, to Hotel Maresias on Sunday 16, and returning on Saturday 22. Likewise, there will be a bus leaving the city of Rio de Janeiro to Hotel Maresias on Sunday 16, and returning on Saturday 22. Here are their schedules (all times in 24h format):

Sunday 16:

Guarulhos -> Maresias: leaving at 12:30
Rio de Janeiro -> Maresias: leaving at 9:30

Saturday 22:

Maresias -> Guarulhos: leaving at 11:00
Maresias -> Rio de Janeiro: leaving at 11:00

The trip to Maresias from Guarulhos takes 3 hours. That from Rio de Janeiro may take 8 hours. Details as specific departure points will be given later. Those planning to arrive by plane on October 16 should use the Guarulhos bus. If you plan to use any of these buses, please let us know by September 26, letting us know: 1) which bus you are going to use TO Maresias and 2) which bus you are going to use FROM Maresias. We will decide on the size of each bus according to the information all of you give us, so if you reply to us late, there may not be space for you!

5) Registration fee:

It is likely there will be a registration fee, as we may not be able to cover some costs with the funds we have access to. How much is yet to be determined.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or me by phone at +55-21-2529-5218.

Best regards,

Eduardo.(For the organizing committee: Carolina Araujo, Eduardo Esteves (IMPA) and Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP))







Alex Abreu (UFF, Brazil)
Title: The locus of special Weierstrass points in the moduli space of pointed stable curves.

Maurício Corrêa (UFV, Brazil)
Title: Numerical inequalities for flags of projective foliations.

Thiago Fassarella (UFF, Brazil)
Title: On the polar degree of projective hypersurfaces.

Hamid Hassanzadeh (UFPE, Brazil)
Title: Plane Cremona maps: saturation, regularity and fat ideals.

Abdelmoubine Amar Henni (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Title: Smoothness of the Moduli space of mathematical instanton bundles of trivial splitting type on P^3.

Edilaine Nobili (IMPA, Brazil)
Title: TBA

Francesco Noseda (UFRJ, Brazil)
Title: Explicit bases of Riemann-Roch spaces on an optimal tower of function fields.

Daniela Prata (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Title: Simple vector bundles on projective space and representations of the Kronecker quiver.

Nicolas Puignau (UFRJ, Brazil)
Title: Maximal configurations of real conics.

Rodrigo Salomão (UFF, Brazil)
Title: On fibrations by nonsmooth curves.

Confirmed Speakers

Alex Abreu (UFF, Brazil)
Michela Artebani (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
Roya Beheshti (Washington University, USA)
Erwan Brugallé (Université de Paris 6, France)
Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Maurício Correa (UFV, Brazil)
Thiago Fassarella (UFF, Brazil)
Elizabeth Gasparim (University of Endiburgh, Scotland/UNICAMP, Brazil)
Hamid Hassanzadeh (UFPE, Brazil)
Amar Henni (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Sándor Kovács (University of Washington, USA)
Antonio Laface (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
Ana Cristina Lopéz (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Dmitri Markusevich (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Francesco Noseda (UFRJ, Brazil)
Amílcar Pacheco (UFRJ, Brazil)
Christian Peskine (Université de Paris 6, France)
Peter Petrov (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Nicolas Puignau (UFRJ, Brazil)
Marcelo Saia (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Rodrigo Salomão (UFF, Brazil)
Helena Soares (ISCTE – IUL, Portugal)
Felipe Voloch (University of Texas at Austin, USA/IMPA, Brazil)


Eduardo Esteves (IMPA, Brazil)
Carolina Araujo (IMPA, Brazil)
Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Dan Avritzer (UFMG, Brazil)
Israel Vainsencher (UFMG, Brazil)
Maral Mostafazadehfard (UFPE, Brazil)
Aron Simis (UFPE, Brazil)
Roberto Callejas-Bedregal (UFPB, Brazil)
Daniela Moura Prata dos Santos (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Cícero Carvalho (UFU, Brazil)
Éden Amorim (UFMG, Brazil)
Douglas Monsôres (IMPA, Brazil)
Edilaine Nobili (IMPA, Brazil)
Flávio Rocha (IMPA, Brazil)
Wanderson Costa (IMPA, Brazil)
Nivaldo Medeiros (UFF, Brazil)
Vítor Moretto Fernandes da Silva (UNICAMP, Brazil)
João Hélder Olmedo Rodrigues (UFF, Brazil)
Brian Callander (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Michael Santos Gonzales Gargate (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Patrícia Borges dos Santos (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Kostiantyn Iusenko (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Adriana Rodrigues da Silva (UFU, Brazil)
Parham Salehyan (UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil)
Federico Feitosa (UFF, Brazil)
Marcelo Escudeiro (UEM, Brazil)
Valmecir Bayer (UFES, Brazil)
Paula Olga Gneri (UE Santa Cruz, Brazil)
Reanto Martins (UFMG, Brazil)
Arnaldo Garcia (IMPA, Brazil)

Picture of the Group



Paula Olga Gneri (UE Santa Cruz, Brazil)
Title: Derived Categories of Functors Categories.

Kostyantyn Iusenko (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Title: Stable representations of bound quivers.

Douglas Monsôres (IMPA, Brazil)
Title: On smooth lattice polytopes with high codegree.

Flávio Rocha (IMPA, Brazil)
Title: Autoduality for curves of compact type.

Patrícia Borges do Santos (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Title: Representations of the enhanced ADHM quiver and nested Hilbert schemes.

Adriana Rodrigues da Silva (UFU, Brazil)
Title: The Hilbert scheme of 4 points in P^3

Wanderson Costa e Silva (IMPA, Brazil)
Title: On global deformation of singular holomorphic foliations of projective space.




Michela Artebani (U. Concepción, Chile)
Title: Mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces.

Erwan Brugallé (Paris 6, France/IMPA, Brazil)
Title: On the approximation of curves in tropical surfaces.

Elizabeth Gasparim (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Title: TBA

Sándor Kovács (U. Washington, USA)
Title: Applications of Du Bois singularities.

Antonio Laface (U. Concepción, Chile)
Title: Secant varieties of Segre-Veronese embeddings of (P^1)^r.

Dmitri Markouchevitch
Title: TBA

Sebastian Casalaina-Martin (U. Colorado, USA)
Title: : The local structure of compactified Jacobians.

Cristina López-Martin (U. Salamanca, Spain)
Title: Relative Fourier-Mukai transforms for Weierstrass fibrations, abelian schemes and Fano fibrations.

Amílcar Pacheco (UFRJ, Brazil)
Title: Rational points of abelian varieties in pro-p towers of function fields.

Christian Peskine (Paris 6, France)
Title: Smooth linear congruences of lines.

Peter Petrov (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Title: TBA

Marcelo Saia (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Title: The Lê-Greuel formula for functions on analytic spaces.

Helena Soares (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)
Title: Cohomological characterisation of monads.

Damiano Testa (U. Warwick, England)
Title: The surface of cuboids and Siegel modular threefolds.

Felipe Voloch (U. Texas, Austin, USA/IMPA, Brazil)
Title: Finite descent obstructions for integral and rational points.

Venue: Maresias Beach Hotel

Maresias Beach Hotel