Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena – 2013

Hotel La Plage, Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, de 03/03 até 09/03, 2013 


Financial Support to Attend the Meeting: February 1st, 2013.
Poster Submission: February 1st, 2013.
Registration: February 27th, 2013.






Lucas Barberis (CONICET)
Description of Tumor Growth by Vectorial Universalities

Stefanella Boatto (UFRJ), Lucas Stolerman (UFRJ/IMPA), Daniel Coombs (UBC, Canada), Renata Stella Khouri (UFRJ/USP), Jorge Pacheco (Universidade do Minho, Portugal), Francisco Santos (IST/UTL, Portugal)
SIRNetwork : a Toy Model for Epidemics Dynamics.Homogeneous versus Heterogeneous Network Structure

Alexandre Ferreira Ramos (USP-EACH)
Symmetries and stochastic gene regulation

Event Webpage


Participant List

P. Amster (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Existence of periodic solutions in some population dynamics models.

U. Ascher (Vancouver, Canada)
Stochastic algorithms for inverse problems involving PDEs and many measurements.

S. Benzekry (Bordeaux, France)
Mathematical modeling of systemic inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor-tumor interactions in metastatic cancers.

J. Clairambault (INRIA, France)
Physiologically structured PDE models of proliferation in cell populations to optimise anticancer treatments

P. Degond (Toulousse, France)
Phase transition and hysteresis in alignment dynamics of self-propelled Particles.

M. R. D´Orsogna (Northridge, California)
Stochastic Nucleation in Biology.

Jair Koiller (FGV-RJ, Brazil)
Reproduction in a Randomly Varying Environment: Lyapunov exponents

A. Marciniak (Heidelberg, Germany)
Structured population model of fitness selection during cell differentiation.

N. Meunier (Paris, France)
Mathematical and numerical modeling of early atherosclerotic lesions

S. Mirrahimi (Paris, France)
Spatial sorting and evolution in a structured population model

J. Mitchell (Wisconsin, USA)
Density-cluster NMA: A new protein decomposition technique for coarse-grained normal mode analysis.

C. Mocenni (Siena, Italy)
Effect of rough boundaries and internal noise in reaction-diffusion equations.

D. Oelz (Vienna, Austria)
A viscous two-phase model for contractile actomyosin bundles.

G. Raoul (Cambridge, UK)
PDE methods to study evolution in spatially structured populations

G. Sallet (Metz, France)
Stable introduction of Wolbachia infection into the mosquito Aedes aegypti

S. Siltanen (Helsinki, Finland)
Electrical impedance tomography using nonlinear Fourier transform

M. Souza (UFF, Brazil)
Multiscale tales in epidemiology

N. Stollenwek (Lisboa, Portugal)
Modelling and model evaluation on empirical data in epidemiology: dynamic noise, chaos and predictability

E. Tanre (Inria, France)
Global solvability of a network of integrate-and-fire neurons of McKean-Vlasov type.

M. Thieullen (Paris, France)
On a family of models occuring in mathematical modelling for biology. Examples in neuroscience.

C. Turner (Cordoba, Argentina)
Adjoint method for a tumour growth PDE-constrained optimization problem.

List of all Registered Partipants


Local Committee

L. Bevilacqua (LNCC)
J. Koiller (FGV)
M. O. Souza (UFF)



Scientific Committee

P. Markowich (Cambridge & Vienna)
B. Perthame (Paris)
J.P.Zubelli (IMPA)


Transportation will be provided as follows:

Going to Hotel La Plage – From Rio de Janeiro to Cabo Frio

Sunday – March 3Bus List

The bus will leave from IMPA (Estrada Dona Castorina, 110 – Jardim Botânico) at 3 p.m, on March 3. The trip takes about 2-3 hours.

Back from Cabo Frio to Rio de Janeiro

Saturday – March 9 (details will be provided later).

Venue: Hotel La Plage, Cabo Frio, Brazil



Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 