How to Apply

Masters and PhD programs

Applications to IMPA’s graduate programs should be submitted through the online system. The IMPA receives applications all year round. All applications completed will be given full consideration in the review process.

Application steps

Applicants must fill out a form with their personal information, including a digitalized 3×4 photograph (with white background) as well as a photo ID.

Once the personal information is submitted, candidates must select the graduate program of interest and provide complementary information, including the desired starting date, request of financial support, etc.  Candidates should also indicate two recommendation-letter writers, who will be contacted directly with instructions on how to submit their letters.

Additional material to be enclosed

Candidates must provide official transcripts issued by the institutions where their previous university degrees were obtained. In case of incomplete degrees at the time of the application, the transcripts should be as up-to-date as possible. Note, however, that IMPA can only issue diplomas upon the presentation of certificates of conclusion of undergraduate degrees.

Applicants should also enclose a short letter containing the candidate’s plans for the graduate program and for after its completion. The letter should also mention a list of mathematics books that the candidate has previously studied. 

For the professional masters program in mathematical methods in finance: Candidates should enclose a short proposal (2 pages maximum) describing how they intend to apply the acquired knowledge in concrete problems or development of products

In the Academic Master’s program, due to the discipline’s offer, admissions in August will be only in exceptional cases


  • We can only guarantee the full consideration of applications received by October 31th. After this date, applications can still be submitted or complemented, and they will be analyzed subject to time constraints.
  • The documents submitted with applications will not be returned to the candidates after analysis.
  • Only complete applications will be considered.
  • The admissions committee will inform candidates about its decision through e-mail.

Summer school

Applications to IMPA’s summer programs should be submitted through the online system. All applications completed by October 31th will be given full consideration in the review process. Results are expected to be available by mid December.

Application steps

Applicants must fill out a form with their personal information including a digitalized 3×4 photograph (with background) as well as a photo ID.

Once the personal information is submitted the candidate should select the area of interest and indicate two recommendation-letter writers, who will be contacted directly with instructions on how to submit their letters.

Additional material to be enclosed

Candidates must provide official transcripts issued by the institutions where their previous university degrees were obtained. In case of incomplete degrees at the time of the application, the transcripts should be as up-to-date as possible.


  • We can only guarantee the full consideration of applications received by October 31th. After this date, applications can still be submitted and completed and will be analysed if time permits.
  • The documents submitted with applications will not be returned to the candidates after analysis.
  • Only complete applications will be considered.
  • The admissions committee will inform candidates about its decision through e-mail.


For students from other institutions:

IMPA’s courses are open to all students from other institutions. Course registration is done through the online system. All courses are free, except those offered by the professional masters program.

Students will get credits for the courses taken, and these can be validated later in case of admission to our graduate programs.