Rotational Theory in Low Dimensions

1. Rotation theory on the circle

1.1 Circle homeomorphisms 

– Rotation number for circle homeomorphisms.
– Existence of periodic orbits and uniqueness of minimal sets.
– Denjoy’s theorem and counter-examples.
– Smooth linearization of circle diffeomorphisms with Diophantine rotation number. (Arnold-Herman-Yoccoz theorem).

1.2 Degree 1 circle endomorphisms

– Pointwise rotation number and rotation set.
– Realizing rational numbers by periodic orbits.
– Endomorphisms with positive topological entropy.

2. Rotation theory on surfaces

2.1 Homeomorphisms homotopic to the identity

– Diverse rotation sets: pointwise, associated to ergodic measures and the Misiurewicz-Ziemian ones.
– Realizing rational vectors by periodic orbits.

– The rotation sets of flows on the torus.
– On the dynamics of homeomorphisms whose rotation sets have non-empty interior.
– On the dynamics of homeomorphisms whose rotation sets are singleton.
– On the dynamics of homeomorphisms whose rotation sets are line segments. The Franks-Misiurewicz conjecture.

2.2 Homeomorphisms of the torus homotopic to a Dehn twist

– Vertical rotation numbers and vertical rotation set.
– Realizing rational rotation numbers by periodic points.
– On the dynamics of periodic-point-free homeomorphisms in a Dehn twist homotopy class.

2.3  Some notions of rotation theory on other surfaces.


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John Franks and Michał Misiurewicz. Rotation set of toral flows. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 109 (1990), 243-249.
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