3D Graphics Systems with Machine Learning

Topics: Machine Learning in Modeling and Visualization

Geometry. Color systems. Graphic objects and devices. Digital image. 3D scene description. Geometric models. Modelling techniques. Constraints and hierarchies. Rasterization. Clipping. Visibility. Virtual camera and transformations. Light and material. Global illumination. Texture and mapping. Architecture of 3D systems.

GOMES, J. de M., VELHO, L. – Introdução à Computação Gráfica – Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, SP, 1990.
FOLEY, J., VAN DAM, A., FEINER, S. e HUGHES, J. – Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition in C, Addison-Wesley, reading, MA, 1990.
NEIDER, J., DAVIS, T. e WOO, M. – The OpenGL Programming Guide, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1993.

Note: This course is offered as a master’s degree. At the PhD, she has additional requirements.

* Standard program. The teacher has the autonomy to make any changes.