Int. to Statistical Mechanics

Hamiltonian systems, Liouville’s theorem, Birkhoff’s theorem, Boltzmann hypothesis, statistical ensembles, Gibbs measures, Ising model, thermodynamic limits. Percolation, phase transition, FKG’s inequality, FK cluster models, renormalization, uniqueness of the infinite component, critical behavior.

DUMINIL-COPIN, H. – Introduction to Bernoulli percolation (lecture notes)
EYNMAN, R.P. – Statistical mechanics; A set of lectures. Reading, Mass.: W. A. Benjamin, 1972.
GRIMMETT, G. – Percolation, Springer 1989
PRESUTTI, E. – Scaling limits in statistical mechanics and microstructures in continuum mechanics. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
SACHA FRIEDLI. – Elements of Statistical Mechanics and Large Deviation Theory.
YVAN VELENIK. – Le Modèle de Ising.

Note: This course is offered as a master’s course. In the doctorate, she has additional requirements.