Courses and List of Speakers

Youtube link for the mini-courses

Mini-course 1:
Interactions between ergodic theory and number theory – Abstract 
• Joel Moreira (Warwick, England)
• Sebastián Donoso (Univ. de Chile)

Mini-course 2:
Aplications of homology and cohomology in group theory – Abstract
• Lev Glebsky (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico)
• Dessislava Kochloukova (Unicamp, Brazil)
Lectures 1, 2 and 3 – Notes
Lectures 4 and 5 – Notes

Mini-course 3:
Expansion, divisibility and parity: a walk on numbers and graphs – Abstract
• Harald Helfgott (Univ. Göttingen, Germany / CNRS, France)
• Adrián Ubis (UAM, Spain)
List of exercises (06/20)
List of exercises (06/21)
List of exercises (06/23)
List of exercises (06/24)
Last AGRA’s notes
Original article
Expositive article

Mini-course 4: 
Arithmetic groups and homogeneous dynamics – Abstract
• Sebastian Hurtado-Salazar (Univ. Chicago, USA)
• Plinio Pino (UFF, Brazil)

Mini-course 5: 
Mori dream surfaces – Abstract
• Michela Artebani (Univ. de Concepción, Chile)
• Antonio Laface (Univ. de Concepción, Chile)