Invited Speakers

Computing numerical solutions of the modifi ed Buckley-Leverett equation with a dynamic nonequilibrium capillary pressure model

Amaury Alvarez (Universidad de la Habana, Cuba)
Resonant rarefaction and shock waves for a system of conservation laws

Johannes Bruining (TUDelft, Holanda)
The effect of salinity on immiscible displacement recovery

Pablo Castañeda (ITAM, México)
On geometric issues for systems of Conservation Laws

Grigori Chapiro (UFJF)
Traveling wave solutions describing combustion waves in porous media

Theodore D. Drivas (Princeton University, USA)
Anomalous dissipation and spontaneous stochasticity in Burgers Equation

Cesar Eschenazi (UFMG)
Wave manifold: topology meets PDE

Frederico Furtado (U. Wyoming, Laramie, USA)
Scaling behavior of stochastic, multiphase flow in porous media

Wanderson Lambert (UNIFAL)
Mathematical theory of geochemical injection problems for multicomponent two phase flow in porous media

Ismael de Souza Ledoino (LNCC)
Numerical Analysis of Traveling Waves in Flow of Porous Media

Luis Fernando Lozano (IMPA)
The effects of capillarity diffusion on non strictly hyperbolic systems of conservation laws

Alexei Mailybaev (IMPA)
Non-local 1D conservation laws: when the shock wave is unstable

Jesus da Mota (UFG)
Cauchy problem for a model of combustion in a porous medium with several parallel layers

Dan Marchesin (IMPA)
Towards automatic solvers of Riemann problems

Vitor Matos (Universidade de Porto, Portugal)
Non local solutions in conservation laws

Adolfo Pires (Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense) 
Mathematical modeling of one-dimensional oil displacement by combined solvent-thermal flooding

Moritz Reintjes (Universidade de Lisboa)
Do General Relativistic Shock Wave Interactions Create Regularity Singularities in Spacetime?

Fabio P. Santos (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) 
Semi-continuous thermodynamics theory for a multiphase and multicomponent reservoir simulation framework

Marcelo Santos (University of Campinas, Brazil) 
Riemann problems with delta-shock waves

Marcus Sarkis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Phase-field dynamic fracture model and discretization

Aparecido de Souza (UFPB)
Recalling the Riemann problem for the polymer injection model in a three-phase flow in a porous medium

Kevin Zumbrun (Indiana University, USA)
A Stable Manifold Theorem for a class of degenerate evolution equations and decay of kinetic shock layers