2ª Escola Brasileira de Combinatória

Rio de Janeiro, March 10th – 14th, 2025

The 2nd EBC (Escola Brasileira de Combinatória / Brazilian School of Combinatorics) will be held at IMPA in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, during the week of March 10-14, 2025.

The 1st edition of the EBC gathered 87 participants from 8 Brazilian states and 10 other countries. It was organized by IME/USP, IMPA and INCTMat, with support from CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP. The 2nd edition of the EBC will have a similar format, with 11 plenary talks, 2 mini-courses, and daily poster presentations. The EBC also provides an excellent opportunity for researchers and students from Brazil and abroad to start new collaborations, and a significant amount of time will be set aside during the week for participants to work on open problems in small groups.

Students/postdocs not from Rio de Janeiro who are unable to obtain financial support from their home institutions may apply for financial assistance (please indicate this when you register). We expect to be able to offer limited support to at least 50 students.  Students/postdocs from Rio de Janeiro may apply for a registration fee waiver. Both application deadline is January 10th, 2025, with responses expected by January 15th, 2025.

If you want to be considered to present a poster during the conference, please indicate your interest in the registration form by submiting its abstract. The application deadline is January 10th, 2025, with responses expected by January 15th, 2025.

The registration fee includes access to all activities, including the social events. In order to maximize the number of students we can support, we encourage all participants to seek local funding sources, such as state research agencies, graduate program support (such as PROAP/PROEX), or personal/group research grants.

*If you have received a message from Global Travel Experts it is not from the organization of the event, probably a scam. All the official messages about the event are sent by the e-mail eventos@impa.br. *




◊ Program 


◊ Picture


◊ Invited Speakers

Corrine Yap (Georgia Tech)
Cosmin Pohoata (Emory University)
Huy Tuan Pham (IAS)
Jinyoung Park (NYU)
Letícia Mattos (Universität Heidelberg)
Matías Pavez-Signé (Universidad de Chile)
Matthew Jenssen (King’s College London)
Maurício Collares (TU Graz)
Nicolas Sanhueza Matamala (Universidad de Concepción)
Tibor Szabó (Freie Universität Berlin)
Yuval Wigderson (ETH Zürich)

◊ Short Courses
Béla Bollobás (University of Cambridge)
Alex Scott (University of Oxford)


◊ Scientific committee:

Guilherme Oliveira Mota – chair – (USP)
Robert Morris – chair – (IMPA)
Béla Bollobás (Cambridge)
Maya Stein (Universidad de Chile)
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (USP)
Yoshiko Wakabayashi (USP)


◊ Organizing committee:

Guilherme Oliveira Mota – chair – (USP)
Robert Morris – chair – (IMPA)
Carla Negri Lintzmayer (UFABC)
Cristiane Maria Sato (UFABC)
Luiz Paulo Freire Moreira (UFPE)
Marcelo Campos (IMPA)
Roberto Freitas Parente (UFBA)
Walner Mendonça (UFC)


◊ City information


◊ Hotel Information


◊ Contact