Combinatorial Synergies in Geometry and Number Theory

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Março 24 – 28


Combinatorial methods have been embedded in many areas of Mathematics. The synergy between Combinatorics, on the one hand, and Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory, on the other, both in its theoretical and computational aspects, is the focus of the workshop. It aims to bring together mathematicians at the beginning of their careers and specialists to enhance combinatorial methods in the study of geometric and arithmetic structures.

The organizing committee is working to raise funds to provide financial support for the participants. Interested parties should indicate their interest on the form and fill in the Passport/CPF (in the case of Brazilians) and address fields in the “Personal Data” tab. Deadline for requesting financial assistance is November 1, 2024 with responses starting December 1, 2024.

*If you have received a message from Global Travel Experts it is not from the organization of the event, probably a scam. All the official messages about the event are sent by the e-mail *


We are accepting proposals for short talks from young researchers until November 1, 2024. Sign up after registration!


ícone de inscrição. caixa quadrada de inscrição em fundo transparente  19552591 PNGRegistration       


Contorno do ícone de subsídio bancário vetor concessão de apoio ao negócio  financeiro | Vetor Premium  Financial Support 


Calendário Ícone Lupa Pesquisa Calendário Evento Encontro Ilustração  Vetorial imagem vetorial de Makc76© 581979866 Program


Palestrante com tela - ícones de o negócio grátis Mini-courses


Kris Shaw (Oslo, Norway) – Combinatorial Geometry and Hodge Theory.

Farbod Shokrieh (Washington, USA) – Berkovich Spaces, Tropical Geometry and Number Theory.


Palestrante com tela - ícones de o negócio grátis  Speakers (under Construction)


Alex Abreu (UFF, Brazil)
Frederico Ardila (San Francisco, USA)
Carolina Benedetti (Los Andes, Colombia)
Ethan Cotterill (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Alex Fink (Queen Mary, England)
Kiumars Kaveh (Pittsburgh, USA)
Oliver Lorscheid (Groningen, Netherlands)
Myrto Mavraki (Toronto, Canada)
Enrica Mazzon (Paris Cité, France)
Marta Panizzut (Tromsø, Norway)
Sam Payne (Texas, USA)  – TBC
Martín Sombra (Barcelona, Spain)
Johanna Kristina Steinmeyer (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Filippo Viviani (Roma 2, Italy)

álbum imagem paisagem foto fotos - Ícones Interface do usuário e gestos  Pictures


Público - ícones de pessoas grátis Scientific Committee

Matt Baker (Georgia Tech, USA)
José Ignacio Burgos Gil (ICMAT, Spain)
Hannah Markwig (Tuebing, Germany)
Margarida Melo (Roma Tre, Italy)


Público - ícones de pessoas grátis Organizing Committee

Ana María Botero (Bielefeld, Germany)
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA, Brazil)
Roberto Gualdi (Polytècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Suely Lima (IMPA, Brazil)
Marco Pacini (UFF, Brazil)
Eduardo Vital (Bielefeld, Germany)


Hotel - ícones de feriados grátis Hotel Information


Carro na cidade linha preta ícone 548439 Vetor no VecteezyCity information


Contato - ícones de comunicações grátis  Contact

