
Introdução às Curvas Algébricas Planas

Introdução às Curvas Algébricas Planas
Autor(es) : Israel Vainsencher
Páginas : 151
Publicação : IMPA, 2017
ISBN: 978-85-244-0102-2
3ª edição


The book serves as a textbook for an introductory course to the fascinating world of Algebraic Geometry. Beginning with a review of the plane curves known from elementary geometry (such as lines, conics, roses …), we study the properties of curves defined by a polynomial equation. The computation of the intersections of two curves, including the points at infinity, is emphasized.

The book contains numerous exercises and illustrations. It may be used as a basis for a one-semester undergraduate course for students in Mathematics or related areas.


Israel Vainsencher

He is full professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco. He obtained his Doctor degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (EUA). His research is about enumerative issues in algebraic geometry.