
Introdução à Medida e Integração

Introdução à Medida e Integração
Autor(es) : Carlos Isnard
Páginas : 314
Publicação : IMPA, 2018
ISBN: 978-85-244-0457-3
3ª edição


Carlos Isnard

He obtained his PhD degree in 1972 at the University of Chicago and developed his academic activities  entirely at IMPA,  since 1964. He focused his research on the  topological degree theory, the theory of catastrophes, and optimization.

During his career he gave special attention to the teaching, leaving  a deep impression in the formation of countless students. He knew like no one else how to make fun of human vanities without, however, being offensive. He was funny, tolerant and peaceful, he  was a typical “carioca”, a character in extinction nowadays.