
Introdução à Geometria Analítica Complexa

Introdução à Geometria Analítica Complexa
Autor(es) : Marcos Sebastiani
Páginas : 265
Publicação : IMPA, 2010
ISBN: 978-85-244-0218-0
2ª edição


Marcos Sebastiani

Marcos Sebastiani graduated in Mathematics at the Universidade de Buenos Aires and obtained a doctorat d’État at the University of Paris, under the guidance of René Thom. He worked on differential geometry and topology of singularities, and is  currently dedicated to the analytic foliations.

He was visiting researcher at IMPA, IHES, Universidade de Lille I and Universidade del Zulia, and is currently professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He is an enthusiast admirer of Gardel, and a fanatic suporter of Peñarol soccer club.