
Curso de Teoria da Medida

Curso de Teoria da Medida
Autor(es) : Augusto Armando de Castro Júnior
Páginas : 193
Publicação : IMPA, 2015
ISBN: 978-85-244-0394-1
3ª edição


Augusto Armando de Castro Júnior

He was born in Fortaleza, having always enjoyed history, philosophy, astronomy and mathematics. He graduated in computing at the Federal University of Ceará, during his graduation he took fundamental courses in mathematics with professor Manoel Azevedo. Encouraged by his teacher and friend Luquésio Jorge, he continued his graduate studies at IMPA where he obtained his Masters and Doctor degrees under de guidance of professor Marcelo Viana, in the area of Ergodic Theory.

He was visiting researcher at PUC-Rio and Associate Professor at UFC. Currently he is honored to work at the Federal University of Bahia, where he  helps to consolidate  the research group on dynamical systems. His research focuses on the study of the S.R.B. measures and their stochastic properties, and also in the study of non-hyperbolic dynamical systems from the point of view  measure theory.

He is in love with Mathematics, with his beloved wife Maria Teresa Gilly, with the ballroom dance, with the polychromic Salvador; in short he loves everything that is beautiful, and it was  this touch of aesthetic and at the same time rigor that he tried to give to this book.