
Análise Real, vol. 2 - Funções de n Variáveis

Análise Real, vol. 2
Autor(es) : Elon Lages Lima
Páginas : 202
Publicação : IMPA, 2016
ISBN: 978-85-244-0221-0
6ª edição


This second volume of “Real Analysis” studies the differential and integral calculus of functions of n variables. The book is addressed to students whose knowledge is equivalent to the first volume, plus elementary notions of Linear Algebra.

The treatment offered in the book aims at objectivity, concentrating on the relevant and essential points, in order to allow the subject exposed here to be covered entirely in one academic semester. 170 exercises are proposed, grouped following the sections of the book. All these exercises are entirely solved in the final chapter.


Elon Lages Lima

He is Researcher Emeritus of the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) and a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of the TWAS (Academy of Sciences for the Developing World). He is also Doctor Honoris Causa by the Federal Universities of Amazonas and of Alagoas and by the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria del Perú, Professor Honoris Causa of the Federal Universities of Ceará and of Bahia, of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and the  University of Brasília. Received the Order of Scientific Merit in the Class Grã-Cruz, from the Presidency of the Republic and the Award Anísio Teixeira, from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

He is the author of several books on Topology, Analysis, Algebra, and Elementary Mathematics, two of which received the Jabuti Award.