

Dies at Rio the mathematician Elon Lages Lima

One of the most important and prolific author of math books in the country, Elon Lages Lima, former director of IMPA, died this sunday. He was 87 years old and died at Rio de Janeiro

Being a qualified mathematician, the researcher had an important role in the brazilian mathematical literature. He wrote more than 40 books, was laureated the Jabuti Award for mathematics. He also tutored and inspired many younger researchers, such as the Fields Medal recipient Artur Avila, Carlos Gustavo Moreira (both from IMPA), and also Nicolau Saldanha and Ralph Teixeira.

Official member of the Brazilian Academy of Science since 1963, Elon directed IMPA during the periods of 1969-71, 79-80 e 1989-93) and was also president of the Brazilian Mathematical Society during 1973-1975. He also was part of the National Council for Education and the Faperj Superior Council. Elon received the National Order of Scientific Merit from the brazilian government and the Anisio Teixeira Award.

In his editorial work, he produced the compilation “Euclides Project” and “University Mathematical Compilation”, and was the one that had the ideia to create PAPMEM, a program that would help the development of middle school teachers. This program still exists and has benefited over 20 thousand professors countrywide.