

IMPA to have a panel on the work of 2017 Abel Prize recipient

Foto: B. Eymann/Académie des Sciences

The work and legacy of the mathematician Yves Meyer, recipient of the 2017 Abel Prize, will be debated at IMPA on august 16, 1:30 PM in Hall 1. The General-director, Marcelo Viana and the researchers Emanuel Carneiro e Luiz Velho will analyse the fundamental role of the french in the development of Wavelets Theory.

Wavelets are functions capable of decomposing and describing and/or representing another function – or a series of datas – originally described in the time domain in a way to analyse another function in diferent scales of frequency and time.

Meyer is widely regarded as a modernizer of the wavelets and its applications in math, IT and computational science. His projects also made possible that this theory could have been inserted in applied harmonic analysis , data compression, noise reduction, medicinal images, archiving, digital cinema and the deconvolution pictures made by Hubble telescope.

According to the Norwegian Academy of Science, Meyer inspired a generation of mathematicians, that in exchange started harvesting their own findings in the field. Stéphane Mallat, his contributor in Wavelets theory, says that his work cannot be tagged simply as pure or applied math, nor computational science, but as something “amazing”.


Born in 1939 France, Yves Meyer was raised in Tunisia and got his doctoral degree at the age of 27 in Strasburg University. Since that time, he became a math professor and researcher at Université Paris-Sud (1966-1980), École Polytechnique (1980-1986) and Université Paris-Dauphine (1986-1995). In 1995, he went to École Normale Supérieure Cachan, where he worked at the CMLA, the Center for Mathematics and its applications. Retired in 2008, Yves still is a member at this facility.

At the French Academy of Science since 1993, Yves is also a honorary member of the American Academy of arts And Science, foreign member of the American National Academy of Science and an associate at the American Mathematical Society.

In the international scene, he was invited three times to be a full speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians and during his lifetime Yves won the Salem Award and the Gauss award. This last one was given by the International Mathematical Union in cooperation with the German Mathematical Society in response for his work that stretch so far beyond his field.

“The work of Yves Meyer, pioneer of wavelets”

Date: August 16

Time: 1h30 PM

Place: Hall 1 – IMPA

1h30 PM – About the Abel Award – Marcelo Viana
1h50 PM – About Calderón–Zygmund operators to wavelets theory – Emanuel Carneiro
2h40 PM -Multiresolution analysis and its applications Luiz Velho