School of Poisson Geometry

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, December 02 – 06, 2019

Thematic Program on Symplectic Geometry


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The school is organized by Paula Balseiro (UFF), Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA), Alejandro Cabrera (UFRJ), Matias del Hoyo (UFF), Thiago Drummond (UFRJ), David Martinez-Torres (PUC), Maria Amelia Salazar (UFF) and Daniele Sepe (UFF).

Lectures of the school will be structured around three main topics:

– Introduction to Poisson geometry (PG)
– Poisson geometry and mathematical physics (MP)
– Lie groupoids (LG)

Introduction to Poisson geometry:

Lecturer: H. Bursztyn, D. Sepe

– Foundations (basic examples, local structure, symplectic leaves, etc).
– Symplectic groupoids.
– Dirac structures and applications.
– Jacobi structures

Poisson geometry and mathematical physics:

Lecturers: P. Balseiro, A. Cabrera, I. Mencattini, D. Sepe

– Poisson brackets in classical mechanics
– Classical integrability and bihamiltonian systems
– Quantization and symplectic groupoids

Lie groupoids:

Lecturers: O. Brahic, M. del Hoyo, T. Drummond

– Lie algebroids and groupoids.
– Multiplicative geometric structures
– Lie groupoids, Morita equivalence and stacks
– Obstructions to integrability

Organizing Committee



Postal Address: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 