Artur Avila (IMPA)
Weak mixing of translation flows and interval exchange transformations, old and new
Sylvain Crovisier (Université Paris-Sud 11)
About a conjecture of J. Palis
Rafael Labarca (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
Jacob Palis y su contribución- directa e indirecta- al desarrollo de la matemática en América Latina
Cristina Lizana (UFBA)
Invariance of Entropy for maps isotopic to Anosov
Luna Lomonaco (IMPA)
On a family of holomorphic correspondences
Artur Oscar Lopes (UFRGS)
Thermodynamic Formalism for product type and Dyson potentials
Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
Jacob Palis and homoclinic bifurcations
Maria José Pacífico (UFRJ)
Up, down and 2-sided Lorenz attractors
Vilton Pinheiro (UFBA)
Recurrence and Synchronization
Enrique Pujals (IMPA)
About Jacob’s contributions
Ali Tahzibi (ICMC-USP)
The role of unstable entropy in the smooth ergodic theory