Colóquio Interdisciplinar Henri Poincaré
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, de 26/11 até 30/11, 2012
Invited Talks
Opening Conference
Jacob Palis
Plenary Talks
Alain Chenciner
IMCCE – Observatoire de Paris
Title: A Walk into the “New Methods of Celestial Mechanics”
Fernando Codá Marques
Title: The Poincaré conjecture
Catherine Goldstein
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Title:Poincaré and arithmetic
Etienne Ghys
Title: “Poincaré and probability”
June Barrow-Green
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics – The Open University
Title: Poincaré´s Last Geometric Theorem and its Legacy
Luiz Davidovich
Title: Poincaré, Einstein, Schrödinger and the Puzzles of the Quantum World
Marcelo Viana
Title: Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolocity
Robert DiSalle
Department of Philosophy-University pf Western Ontario
Title: Poincaré on relativity of space and space-time
Talk for a General Audience
Laurent Rollet
Archives Henri Poincaré (CNRS, UMR 7117) – Université Nancy 2
Title:July 17, 1912: the Death of Henri Poincaré … The construction of a biographical network
Ildeu de Castro Moreira
Title:Poincaré: philosopher and promoter of science
Round Table 1 – History of Mathematics
Frederic Brechenmacher
Univesité d´Artois – Laboratoire de Mathematiques de Lens
Title: The Algebraic cast of Poincaré´s Méthodes nouvelles
Gert Schubring
Title: Some archival findings on the prize competition regarding the n-body problem
Round Table 2 – History of Physics
Scott Walter
Archives Henri Poincaré (CNRS, UMR 7117) – Université Nancy 2
Title:Poincaré, Hertz, and Hertzian Waves
Sergio Volchan
Title: On Hilbert´s Sixth Problem
Round Table 3 – Heritage in Mathematics
André de Carvalho
Title:Poincaré, Birkhoff, Smale e Thurston
Milton Lopes Filho
Title:Poincaré and the theory of fluid vortices
Round Table 4 – History of Celestial Mechanics
Philippe Nabonnand
Université de Lorraine
Title: The first contributions of Poincaré in celestial mechanics seen from his correspondence with Anders Lindstedt (1883-1884)
Tatiana Roque
Title: The reception of Poincaré ´s new methods by the astronomers of his time
Round Table 5 – Poincaré and the Analysis tradition on France
Gerard Grimberg
Title: A correspondência com Klein e as funções fuchsianas
Michel Paty
Title: “Poincaré philiosophe: Travail scientifique et pensée philosophique chez Poincaré”
Round Table 6 – Philosophy
Gherard Heinzman
Archives Henri Poincaré (CNRS, UMR 7117) – Université Nancy 2
Title: Poincaré´s conventionalism and its structural aspect
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze
University of Agder – Faculty of Engineering and Science
Title: The influence of Poincaré on the Vienna Circle of positivistic philosophy
Round Table 7 – Epistemology
Antonio A. Videira
Title: Poincaré e as teorias sobre o elétron no início do século XX
Maria da Paz
Centro de Filosofia das Ciências – Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Title: Not all about convention: the role of facts in Poincaré´s epistemology
Isabel Serra
Centro de Filosofia das Ciências – Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Title: Geometry and Physics in Poincaré´s philosophy
List of all Registered Partipants
Organizing Committee
Antonio A.P. Videira, UFRJ
Enrique Pujals, IMPA
Tatiana Roque , UFRJ
Philippe Nabonnand, Archives Henri Poincaré (CNRS, UMR 7117)- Université Nancy 2
Scott Walter, Archives Henri Poincaré (CNRS,UMR 7117)- Université Nancy 2
Poster Session
Cristian Camilo Cárdenas
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Title: Alguns Teoremas de Rigidez para Variedades Compactas
Douglas Hilário da Cruz
Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
Title: Linhas assintóticas na vizinhança de um ponto singular tipo andorinha
Mayane Leite da Nóbrega
Universidade Federal da Bhaia(UFBA)
Title: Poincaré e a dinâmica não-linear: um olhar para a ciência no final do século XX
André Philot
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro(UERJ)
Title: Are Poincaré and Pollock two mathematical geniuses? Mathematics and its links with creation through intuition.
Hiuri Fellipe Santos dos Reis
Universidade Federal de Goiás(UFG)
Title: Sólitons de Ricci gradiente steady localmente conformemente flat
Daiane Soares Veras
Universidade Federal de Goiás(UFG)
Title: Solubilidade de sistemas de Equações aditivas
Price for Registration
Category |
Price |
Students from UFRJ and IMPA | R$ 30,00 |
Students (Masters and Ph. D) | R$ 70,00 |
Others | R$ 100,00 |
Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil