IV Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, de 07/04 até 11/04, 2014
The “Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control” aims to gather not only experts on Geometric Mechanics, but also students and researchers on applied and related topics in pure mathematics. This meeting is the 4th event of a series of biennial meetings (previously held in Santiago de Compostela in 2008, Bariloche in 2011 and Salamanca in 2012).
This edition of the Iberoamerican Meeting will celebrate the 65th birthday of Prof. Jair Koiller.
Geometric Mechanics uses techniques and methods of differential geometry to study Hamiltonian (or Lagrangian) classical systems, field theory, quantum mechanics, control theory, differential equations and integrable systems, etc. The methods involve primarily symplectic geometry and Lie theory. Applications include imaging science, control problems in physics and other areas of engineering, and cell biology. Ideas from geometric mechanics also lead to efficient numerical methods for variational problems arising from engineering and biomathematics.
The conference will also host the “PIMS Marsden Memorial Lecture” by Prof. Mathieu Desbrun [Announcement].
Organizing Committe
Paula Balseiro (UFF, Brazil)
Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA, Brazil)
Alejandro Cabrera (UFRJ, Brazil)
Scientific Committee
Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA, Brazil)
Hernán Cendra (UNS, Argentina)
Pedro L. García (USAL, Spain)
Manuel de León (CSIC, Spain)
Giuseppe Marmo (INFN, Italy)
Juan C. Marrero (ULL, Spain)
Eduardo Martínez (UNIZAR, Spain)
Miguel Muñoz-Lecanda (UPC, Spain)
Joana M. Nunes da Costa (UC, Portugal)
Ernesto Pérez-Chavela (UAM, México)
Tudor Ratiu (EPFL, Switzerland)
Financial Support
If you want to be considered for local financial support, please send an email to ibero@impa.br with the following information:
-In case you are a student the name of your advisor
Financial Support to Attend the Meeting: March 1, 2014
Picture of the Group
Poster Session
We plan to have a poster session during the conference. To submit a communication, the participant needs to prepare an abstract in LaTeX using the standard format of the school which can be downloaded by clicking here.
The text must be processed directly from LaTex to the .PDF format. The .PDF and .tex files should be sent to the e-mail ibero@impa.br not later than March 21, 2014.
Alberto Tacchella (ICMC-USP São Carlos)
The Noncommutative geometry of the phase space of the the Gibbons-Hermsen system
Alexis Arnaudon (Imperial College London)
Toward a general class of integrable G-Strands
Allyson dos Santos Oliveira (Universidade Federal de Sergipe)
Symmetry, bifurcation and stacking of the central configurations of the planar 1 4 body problem
Antonio Carlos Fernandes (Universidade Federal de Itajubá)
Rigidity Of Planar Central Configurations
Breno Raphaldini Silva (IAG-USP)
Equations for nearly geostrophic flows in rotating MHD
Dimitry Pavlov (Imperial College London)
A matrix-based framework to structure-preserving discretization of continuum theories
Eber Chuño (ICMC – Universidade de São Paulo)
The finite non-periodic Toda lattice
Germán Zorba (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
Existence of crossing and impasse solutions of Implicit Differential Equations
Gerson Araujo (UFPE)
Estabilidade de um problema restrito dos oito corpos
Gersonilo Oliveira da Silva (UFRPE)
Instability and bifurcation in a problem of the N 1 Body
Jaap Eldering (Imperial College London)
Walking as a limit cycle through symmetry reduction
Leandro Salomone (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
Lyapunov constraints and stabilization of bidimensional systems
Leandro Sena Cabral de Oliveira (UFPE)
Linear Hamiltonian Systems
Leonardo Lopes Abath (UFPE)
Algebraic Topology In The Analysis of Electrical Circuits
Lucas Rezende Valeriano(UFPE)
Estabilidade em um problema restrito dos quatro corpos
Maité Kulesza (UFRPE)
The 3-dimensional cored and logarithm potentials: periodic orbits
Marcela Zuccalli (Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Argentina)
Equations from orbit reduction by stagesl
Marcelo Caetano (IME-USP)
Vertical stability in the n-body problem
Marcelo Pedro dos Santos (UFRPE)
Existence and uniqueness of masses in polygonal central configurations
Márcia Pragana Dantas (UFRPE)
Equilibrium points of the restricted three body problem with perturbed potential
María Eugenia Garcia (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
Optimal momentum map and optimal reduction for the two body problem
Mário Otávio Salles (UFRN)
On covariant poisson bracket in classical field theory
Marta Farré Puiggalí (ICMat)
The Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations for constrained systems
Maximiliano A. Palacios Amaya (Instituto Balseiro (UNCu), UNCo, CONICET)
Thermo-mechanical systems in a symplectic formalism
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro (CMCC-UFABC)
Perturbative algebraic quantum field theory around background fields: towards deformation quantization
Rodrigo Ristow Montes(UFPR)
Constant Contact Angle Surfaces in the Lorentz Group L3
Romero Solha (UFMG)
On a Poincare lemma for foliations
Santiago Capriotti (Universidad Nacional del Sur / CONICET)
Cartan algorithm and Gotay-like algorithm in field theory
Thiago Dias Oliveira Silva (Imperial College London)
Generic Finiteness Of (N – 2)-Dimensional Central Configurations For Homogeneous Potentials With Integer Exponents
Tomasz M. Tyranowski (Imperial College London)
Variational partitioned Runge-Kutta methods for Lagrangians linear in velocities
Paula Balseiro (UFF, Brazil)
Nonholonomic systems and the Halmiltonization problem
Maria Barbero (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid)
Interconnection of Dirac systems for Morse families
Anthony Bloch (Univ. of Michigan)
Nonholonomic, Dissipative, and Hamiltonian Dynamics
Hildeberto Cabral (UFPE, Recife)
Stability of equilibria in Hamiltonian systems
Alejandro Cabrera (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro)
About multiplicative structures on Lie groupoids and vortex motion on surfaces
Manuel de León (ICMAT, Madrid)
Reduction of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
Kurt Ehlers (UMCC, Nevada)
Bacterial motion: basic physics geometry biology
Maria del Rosario Etchechoury (UNLP, La Plata)
Implicit Differential Equations: Singularity Crossing Phenomena and Impasse Points
Yuri Fedorov (UPC, Barcelona)
Abelian varieties in algebraic integrable systems and separation of variables.
Sebastián Ferraro (UNS, Bahía Blanca)
Regularization of Hamilton´s principle for higher-order Lagrangian systems
Frank Michael Forger (USP, São Paulo)
Multisymplectic Geometry and Classical Field Theory – A Status Report
Luis Garcia-Naranjo (Mexico City)
Preservation of Volumes in Nonholonomic Mechanics
Mark Gotay (UBC, Vancouver)
Quantization via Deformation of Prequantization
Darryl Holm (Imperial College, London)
Momentum Maps, Shape Analysis and Solitons
Greg Huber (UC Santa Barbara)
Geometry of an Intracellular Membrane”
Velimir Jurdjevic (Univ. of Toronto)
Hamiltonian systems and optimal control strong maximum principle
Fátima Silva Leite (Univ. of Coimbra, Coimbra)
Fitting problems on Riemannian manifolds
Debra Lewis (UC Santa Cruz)
Allegro non troppo: moderated optimal control
Richard Montgomery (UC Santa Cruz)
From micro-organisms to the three-body problem
Edith Padrón (ULL, La Laguna)
Reduction of Symplectic Lie Algebroids
Clodoaldo Ragazzo (USP, São Paulo)
Hydrodynamic Vortex on Surfaces
Tudor Ratiu (EPFL, Lausanne)
Mechanics and control
Miguel Rodriguez Olmos (UPC, Barcelona)
The Fast-Superfast Transition in the sleeping Lagrange top
Carlos Tomei (PUC, Rio de Janeiro)
Other applications of factorizations for solving flows
Alan Weinstein (UC Berkeley)
Functorial quantization of linear canonical relations
Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil
E-mail: eventos@impa.br