Research in Options - Speakers
Stephane Crépey (Université Evry Val d´Essonne)
GPU Nested Monte Carlo Techniques for XVA Computations
Raphael Douady (SUNY Stony Brook)
Dominant Factor Analysis
Alan De Genaro (Dept. Economics – University of Sao Paulo)
Pricing interest rate derivatives under monetary policy changes
Emmanuel Gobet (École Polythechnique, France)
Modeling the management of microgrid equipped with PV panels and battery; resolution using McKean Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
Martino Grasselli (Padova University, Italy & Devinci Research Center, France)
A Consistent Stochastic Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates for Multiple Tenors
Matheus Grasselli (McMaster University, Canada)
On the Normality of Negative Interest Rates
Lane Hughston (Brunel University London, UK)
Optimal taxation and wealth redistribution
Roger Lee (University of Chicago, USA)
Cumulant formulas for implied volatility
Stefano De Marco (École Polytechnique, France)
Enhancing rough forward variance models with VIX smiles
Gilles Pagès (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Functional convex order preserving approximations with application to the pricing of derivatives
Teemu Pennanen (King´s College London, UK)
Economic valuation of defined benefit pension liabilities
Alberto Pinto (University of Porto, Portugal)
Perfect equilibrium prices under social differentiation
Yuri Saporito (FGV, Brazil)
Stochastic Control and Differential Games with Path-Dependent Controls
Uwe Schmock (Vienna University of Technology)
Normal Variance Mixture Distributions as Approximations of Poisson Mixture Sums
Rodrigo Targino (FGV, Brazil)
Efficient Monte Carlo algorithms for risk allocation
Nizar Touzi (École Polythechnique, France)
Branching diffusion representation of nonlinear PDEs
Jorge Zubelli (IMPA, Brazil)
The Calibration of Stochastic-Local Volatility Models – An Inverse Problem Perspective