II Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry and Applications (II ELGA)
La Plage , Cabo Frio, RJ, June, 1 – 12
The goal of this CIMPA research school is to train young mathematicians working in Latin America in some of the most active areas of research in Algebraic Geometry, as well as to promote greater interaction among researchers and students, and to build a network of collaborations.
The first week of the school will consist of 4 mini-courses covering different aspects of Algebraic Geometry, all taught in English. There will be also poster presentations by young researchers and students. The second week will consist of research talks by leading specialists, as well as presentations by young researchers.
Confirmed Speakers
Michela Artebani (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
About the semiample cone of the symmetric product of a curve
Jérémy Blanc (Universität Basel, Switzerland)
Dynamical Degrees of Birational transformations of projective surfaces
Michel Brion (Institut Fourier, France)
Minimal rational curves on group compactifications
Severino Collier Coutinho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
On the construction of minimal involutive varieties
Alicia Dickenstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
From chemical reaction networks to Descartes’ rule of signs
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA, Brazil)
Limit linear series, a new perspective
Xavier Gómez-Mont (CIMAT, Mexico)
Geometric and Algebraic Jordan Block Structure in Vanishing Cohomology and in the Jacobian Algebra of an Isolated Singularity
Paul Hacking (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)
Theta functions for K3 surfaces
Seyed Hamid Hassanzadeh (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
On the Geometry of Syzygies of Birational Maps
Abramo Hefez (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
The polar curves of plane branches
Sándor Kovács (University of Washington, USA)
Projectivity of the moduli space of stable log-varieties
Diane Maclagan (Warwick University, UK)
Tropical schemes
Amílcar Pacheco (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Explicit bound for a conjecture of lang on curves over function fields
Ragni Piene (University of Oslo, Norway)
Higher order self-dual toric varieties
Kristian Ranestad (University of Oslo, Norway)
Power sum presentations of cubic forms, and generalizations
Colleen Robles (Texas A&M University, USA)
Horizontal Schubert varieties
Rubí Rodríguez (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile)
Abelian Varietes and Actions
Jason Starr (Stony Brook University, USA)
Picard Groups of Spaces of Rational Curves in Fano Manifolds
Damiano Testa (Warwick University, UK)
K3 surfaces arising from arithmetic problems
Jenia Tevelev (University of Massachusetts, USA)
The Craighero-Gattazzo surface is simply-connected
Giancarlo Urzúa (Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile)
On Chern slopes of simply connected surfaces in any characteristic
Israel Vainsencher (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Holomorphic foliations singular along a positive dimensional subscheme
Mauricio Velasco (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Nonnegativity certificates on real algebraic curves
Organizing Committee
– Carolina Araujo (IMPA, Brazil)
– Cinzia Casagrande (Università di Torino, Italy)
– Ana-Maria Castravet (Ohio State University, USA)
– Stéphane Druel (Institut Fourier, France)
– Antonio Laface (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
Registered Participants
Scientific Committee
– Lucia Caporaso (Università di Roma Tre, Italy)
– Alicia Dickenstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
– Eduardo Esteves (IMPA, Brazil)
– Lothar Göttsche (ICTP, Italy)
– Sándor Kovács (University of Washington, USA)
Mini Courses
1st Week – School (June 1-5, 2015)
– Line bundles and divisors, linear equivalence, maps to projective space
– Vector bundles
– Smoothness, tangent and normal bundles
– Coherent sheaf cohomology
– Singular cohomology
– Basic theorems on dimensions of fibers
– Hilbert’s theorem on syzygies
– Genus of a curve
– Elliptic curves
– Intersection numbers on a surface
– Canonical bundle, adjunction formula
Course 1
Curves of low degrees on Fano varieties (Olivier Debarre – ENS, France)
Abstract – Notes
Course 2
Classical and virtual intersection theory (Barbara Fantechi – SISSA, Italy)
Abstract – Notes
Course 3
Equations defining projective varieties (Robert Lazarsfeld – Stony Brook University, USA)
Abstract – Notes
Course 4
Algebraic cycles and birational geometry (Burt Totaro – UCLA, USA)
Abstract – Notes
Poster Session
Tuesday 2nd
(17:30 – 19:00)
Fibrations on general type surfaces
Alejandra Fabiola Huitrado Mora and Margarita Castaneda
On the Milnor number in positive characteristic
João Hélder
Non-degenerate Polar Curves for Plane Branches
Fernando Hernández Iglesias
The Cox rings of smooth projective rational surfaces
Juan Bosco Frias Medina
Irreducible components of the space of holomorphic foliations in CP^n
Fábio Xavier Penna
Nonnegative Reflection-Invariant Polynomials
Jose Gabriel Acevedo Habeych
Presentation by Young Researchers – PYR
1st week
– Thursday 4th (17:30 – 19:00)
Pluri-forms on singular rationally connected surfaces
Wenhao Ou
On the space of conics through two points
Rafael Lucas de Arruda
The generalised Hoppe stability criterion on polycyclic varieties
Henrique Sá Earp
The Kupka set and unfoldings
Ariel Molinuevo
Explicit log Fano structures on blow-ups of projective spaces
Alex Massarenti
Geometry of Tautological Bundles on Hilbert Schemes of Points
David Stapleton
2nd week
– Tuesday 9th (18:10 – 19:10)
Dual families of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces
Paola Comparin
On the unification of toric mirror constructions
Robin Guilbot
On Stable Quintic Surfaces
Julie Rana
Compactifying the space of smooth quadrics
César Huerta
– Thursday 11th (17:00 – 18:00)
On Kobayashi’s conjecture of K3 surfaces and hyperkahler manifolds-
Ljudmila Kamenova
Tropicalization of singular varieties
Isabel Herrero
Arithmetical rank and cohomological dimension of the determinantal ideals
Maral Mostafazadehfard
Stable limit linear series on singular curves
Pedro Hernandez Rizzo
Registration and Financial Support
Registration for the II ELGA is now closed.
Due to limitations of space in the venue of the school, we can no longer accept registration of participants.
If you are na invited speaker and has not yet registered, please email: elga2015@impa.br .
Those registered graduate students and young researchers from Latin América (except Brazil) can still apply for financial support for travel at UMALCA´s webpage ( Deadline March 1st, 2015 ):
Venue and accomodation cost
Hotel La Plage, Cabo Frio, Brazil
Rates are in Brazilian currency, and include breakfast, lunch and dinner:
Single: R$ 236,00 + 15% per room per day
Double: R$ 360,00 + 15% per room per day
Triple: R$ 470,00 + 15% per room per day
We will provide a bus to take participants from Rio de Janeiro to Cabo Frio on Sunday afternoon, May 31 and June 7, and returning to Rio de Janeiro on Saturday morning, June 6 and 13. Details will be announced later.
Transportation Information
Going to Hotel La Plage – From Rio de Janeiro to Cabo Frio
Sunday – June 7
Back from Cabo Frio to Rio de Janeiro
Saturday – June 6
Saturday – June 13
Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil
E-mail: eventos@impa.br