XXI EBP - Contributed Talks
Glazman (Université Paris VII – Jussieu)
Phase transition in the loop O(n) model
Clayton Barnes (University of Washington)
The Hydrodynamic limit and Propagation of Chaos for Brownian Particles Reflecting from an Inert Barrier
Clément Erignoux (IMPA)
Modeling and Hydrodynamics of Active Matter
Eric Ossami (USP & University of Groningen)
Dyson Model: An example of the non-g-measure Gibbs measure
Evelina Shamarova (Universidade Federal da Paraiba)
Strong solution to the multidimensional stochastic Burgers equation
Filipe Mussini (Uppsala University)
Asymptotic behaviour of Poisson cylinders
Inés Armendariz (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Existence of the zero-range process with superlinear growth rates
Sokol Ndreca (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Asymptotics for the Late Arrivals Problem
Deadline: June 1st, 2017.
The XXI EBP will feature a limited number of short contributed talks. Interested participants are welcome to submit an abstract following the instructions below.
1. You must be registered at EBP prior to sending your title and abstract.
2. The abstract of your short talk must be submitted at the time of your registration, click Save and Submit Documents to attach the file in PDF format, by June 1st, 2017. The LaTex source file (in standard format) containing name, affiliation, title and abstract should be mentioned in the file.
Please click here to download the LaTex template.
If you have any difficulties, please contact ebp@impa.br
3. Acceptance will be communicated by June 15th. As noted above, the number of talks is limited and the selection will be done by the organizers.
* All presentations deemed relevant for EBP which are not selected for oral presentation will be accepted as posters.