Rational points / Pontos Racionais
Thematic Program on Algebraic Geometry
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, May, 25 – 29
Organizing Committee
Asher Auel (Yale)
Oliver Lorsheid (IMPA)
Cecília Salgado (UFRJ)
Anthony Várilly-Alvarado (Rice)
Invited Speakers
Martin Bright (Univ. Leiden)
Failures of weak approximation in families
Cyril Demarche (Univ. Paris VI)
About local-global principles for homogeneous spaces with finite stabilizers
Ulrich Derenthal (Univ. Hanover)
Cox rings of cubic surfaces and Fano threefolds
Rachel Newton (Max Planck Institute)
Transcendental Brauer groups of products of elliptic curves
Raman Parimala (Emory Univ.)
Embedding tori in classical groups
Alexei Skorobogatov (Imperial College)
Rational points on Kummer K3 surfaces via variation of the Selmer group
Ronald van Luijk (Univ. Leiden)
Concurrent lines on del Pezzo surfaces of degree one
José Felipe Voloch (Univ. Texas)
Descent obstructions for varieties over function fields
Mini Courses
Minicurso 1: Diagonal arithmetics
Alena Pirutka (École Polytechnique)
Mini-curso 2: Rational points on rationally connected varieties over number fields
Olivier Wittenberg (École Norm. Sup.)
Automorphisms of an algebraic curve
Registration Fees
Category | Fee |
Researchers and Professors (Ph.D’s) | R$ 50.00 |
Students (Master/Ph.D) | R$ 25.00 |
List of Registered Participants
Thematic Program on Algebraic Geometry Webpage
Participants should check, as soon as possible (in view of the time it may take to obtain a visa), whether a visa is needed for Brazil. Visas are not required for Latin American and EU citizens. They are, however, required for all citizens of countries which request visas from Brazilian citizens. Please visit https://impa.br/opencms/en/eventos/informacao/informacoes_visto.htmlfor more information.
Picture of the Group
Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil
E-mail: eventos@impa.br