Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena – 2005
February 14th-26th, 2005
This is the third workshop organized by IMPA on the subject of mathematical methods and modeling of biophysical phenomena. The main goal is to bring together students and researchers from areas connected to the biophysical sciences where mathematics plays an ever increasing role.
The workshop program will allow ample time for participants to interact and explore connections between their areas of expertise.
- Organizing Committee
Luis Bevilacqua (LNCC)
Jair Koiller (FGV)
Peter Markowich (Vienna)
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Benoit Perthame (ENS)
Jorge P. Zubelli (IMPA) - Plenary Talks
- Contributed Talks
- Posters
- Minicourse
- Program at a glance
- Group Picture
Contacts for scientific/academic matters
Jair Koiller (
Jorge P. Zubelli (
Workshop Secretary: Mrs. Suely Lima (