Invited Speakers
Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo)
Chromatic index of random multigraphs
Dhruv Mubayi (University of Illinois)
New Developments in Hypergraph Ramsey Theory
Andrew Thomason (Clare College Cambridge)
Containers – an overview
Jacques Verstraete (University of California at San Diego)
Clique and biclique covering problems
Louis DeBiasio (Miami University)
Spanning trees with few branch vertices
Jie Han (Inst. de Matemática, Est. e Ciência da Computação)
The complexity of perfect matchings and packings in dense hypergraphs
Richard Lang (University of Birmingham)
Partitioning non-complete graphs into monochromatic cycles
Eoin Long (Oxford)
Isoperimetric stability for the cube
Gweneth McKinley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Counting H-free graphs for bipartite H
Guilherme Mota (Universidade Federal do ABC)
Monochromatic trees in random graphs
Matías Pavez Signé (Universidad de Chile)
Embedding of trees with bounded maximum degree in dense graphs
Jozef Skokan (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Cycle Partitioning in Hypergraphs
Andrew Treglown (University of Birmingham)
Tilings in graphs and directed graphs