Workshop on Conservative Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, August 14 – 18

The Workshop aims to gather experts on Conservative Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry, from Brazil and abroad, in a leisurely ambiance. Just as in the first eight editions of the meeting, held at IMPA in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 the program includes a small number of lectures, leaving plenty of time for informal discussions.

The main topics are Symplectic Topology with applications to Hamiltonian Dynamics, Contact Geometry, Dynamics of Lagrangian Systems and Twist Maps, Integrable Systems, Aubry-Mather theory, among others.



Group Picture

Youtube Playlist


Miguel Abreu, Lisbon
Symmetric periodic Reeb orbits on the sphere and contact homology of Lens spaces

Simon Allais, Paris
Contact orderability and spectral selectors

Marcelo Atallah, Montreal
Fixed points of small Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms and the flux conjectures

Michael Branderbursky, Ben-Gurion
Lp-geometry of diffeomorphism groups: old and new results

Mihai Damian, Strasbourg
Morse type theories with differential graded coefficients

Oliver Edtmair, Berkeley
The local strong Viterbo conjecture

Brayan Ferreira, UFES
ECH spectral invariants and applications to Reeb flows on RP3

Viktor Ginzburg, Santa Cruz
Invariant Sets and Hyperbolic Periodic Orbits of Reeb Flows

Basak Gurel, Florida
The spectral norm, rigidity and all that

Umberto Hryniewicz, Aachen
Quantitative refinements of various conjectures in 3D Reeb dynamics, and some results

Michael Hutchings, Berkeley
Dynamical zeta functions of open symplectic domains

Marco Mazzucchelli, Lyon
On the local maximizers of higher capacity ratios

Matthias Meiwes, Tel Aviv
Linking in horseshoes and 3-dimensional Reeb flows

Rohil Prasad, Berkeley
Low-action holomorphic curves and invariant sets 

Egor Shelukhin, Montreal
Quantum Steenrod powers and Hamiltonian maps

Zhengyi Zhou, AMSS – China
On fillings of contact links of isolated quotient singularities


Organizing Committee 

Marta Batoreo (UFES)
Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA)
Suely Lima (IMPA)
Leonardo Macarini (Instituto Superior Técnico – IST)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)


Scientific Committee

Marta Batoreo (UFES)
Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA)
Leonardo Macarini (Instituto Superior Técnico – IST)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
