Tópicos: Geometria sobre F1
This term, we are planning an online seminar on F1-geometry with a focus on tropical scheme theory. This could essentially follow the plans for a seminar from last semester, which was cancelled due to the crisis, but
it depends on the participants to decide about the precise content in a first meeting. In particular, we will decide about secondary directions of the seminar, which could be the Connes-Consani program, algebraic groups over F1 or the moduli space of matroids, to give some ideas.
I will begin with an introductory talk, which will be followed by a discussion about the contents and a distribution of the first talks.
The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19, 10:30–12:00.
In this meeting, we will also decide the times of the seminar. Please let me know if you want to attend the seminar, but cannot attend the first meeting.
Matt Baker and Oliver Lorscheid. The moduli space of matroids. Preprint, arXiv:1809.03542, 2018.
Alain Connes. An essay on the Riemann hypothesis. In Open problems in mathematics, pages 225–257. Springer, 2016.
Jeffrey Giansiracusa and Noah Giansiracusa. Equations of tropical varieties. Duke Math. J., 165(18):3379–3433, 2016.
Oliver Lorscheid. Scheme theoretic tropicalization. Preprint, arXiv:1508.07949, 2015.
Oliver Lorscheid. F1 for everyone. Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 120(2):83–116, 2018.
Sam Payne. Analytification is the limit of all tropicalizations. Math. Res. Lett., 16(3):543–556, 2009.
* Ementa básica. O professor tem autonomia para efetuar qualquer alteração.