XX Brazilian School of Probability

ICMC/USP, São Carlos, SP, July 4 – 9, 2016  

The year 2016 marks the twentieth edition of the Brazilian School of Probability. Over the years, the EBP series has been instrumental in shaping the directions and interests of Brazilian probabilists, and has contributed to the vigorous growth of our area in the country. Strong international participation has been both a major cause and a positive consequence of these developments. The same is true about the continued support EBP has received from funding agencies and major academic institutions in Brazil.

As in previous years, the 2016 EBP will consist of five and a half days of minicourses, plenary talks, contributed talks and poster sessions, all presented in a relaxed atmosphere. This will be our first edition in the São Carlos Campus of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), which is home to one of Brazil’s top ranked Mathematics departments.

Conference Venue

The 2016 EBP will be held in the “Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computacao” at the University of São Paulo at São Carlos. Please check the map below for the exact location (in red). Some nearby hotels are also marked; those marked green have a special EBP fare. 



Plenary Speakers


Group Picture




Local and Scientific committee

Local committee:

Daniel Ahlberg (IMPA)
Paulo Faria da Veiga (ICMC/USP) – coordinator
Sandro Gallo (UFSCar)
Manuel Alejandro González Navarrete (USP)

Scientific committee:

Ines Armendariz (UBA)
Eric Cator (Radboud University)
Maria Eulália Vares (UFRJ)
Paulo Faria da Veiga (ICMC/USP) – coordinator
Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira (IMPA) – coordinator
Bernardo Nunes Borges de Lima (UFMG)
Leandro Pimentel (UFRJ) – coordinator
Daniel Remenik (Universidad de Chile)
Luiz Renato Fontes (IME/USP) – coordinator
Ofer Zeitouni (Weizmann/NYU)

Plenary Talks

Daniel Ahlberg (IMPA & Uppsala University)
Random coalescing geodesics in first-passage percolation

Ricardo Fraiman (U. de la República)
Set estimation from reflected Brownian motion

Simon Griffiths (Oxford/PUC-Rio)
Quenched Voronoi Percolation and related Noise

Marcelo Hilário (UFMG)
Independent bond percolation on Z2 with one-dimensional inhomogeneities

Florencia Leonardi (USP)
Neighborhood selection for discrete Markov random fields on graphs

Pierre Nolin (ETH Zurich)
Frozen percolation in two dimensions

Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (UC Berkeley)
Periodic Orbits for Stationary Hamiltonian Systems


Miklos Rácz (Microsoft Research)
Basic models and questions in statistical network analysis

Serguei Popov (Unicamp)
Lyapunov functions for countable Markov chains

Contributed Talks


Short Contributed Talks

Short Contributed

Students Poster Presentation

Students Poster

Poster Session

Poster Session

Call for contributed talks and posters

Deadline: May 10th, 2016.

EBP 2016 will feature poster sections and a limited number of short contributed talks on probabilistic subjects. Interested participants are welcome to submit an abstract following the instructions below.

1. You must be registered at EBP prior to sending your abstract.

2. Submissions should be sent to ebp@impa.br by May 10th, 2016. The body of your email message should contain your name and affiliation, the title of the submitted work, and whether you would like to give an oral presentation. A LaTex source file (in standard format) containing name, affiliation, title and abstract should be attached to the email, along with a pdf generated from the source file.

3. Acceptance for each category of presentation will be communicated by 25th. As noted above, the number of talks is limited and the selection will be done by the organizers. All presentations deemed relevant for EBP which are not selected for oral presentation will be accepted as posters.

List of Registered Participants


Financial support

The organization of the School has a limited number of fellowships for researchers and students. The deadline to apply for financial support is May 1st, 2016, with answers to be out by June 1st, 2016. All applicants should fill in the registration form.

Students applying for financial support should also submit a short Curriculum vitae to ebp@impa.br, with the words *Support (last name)* in the subject lime. They should also arrange for two letters of recommendations to be sent directly to that email address, with the same subject.


Sponsors and Supporting Institutions



Previous Events


Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 
E-mail: eventos@impa.br