Workshop on First-Passage Percolation

Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, from 11/17 to 11/22, 2014

Over the past half century, the study of spatial growth models such as first-passage percolation has led to a rigorous theory for subadditive ergodic processes and far reaching predictions of KPZ theory. However, despite the prominent recent development within the field, there are many fundamental questions left unanswered. The objective of this workshop is to unite experienced researchers with young talents to discuss the recent developments within the field and challenges of the future. We hope that this workshop will incentive a new generation of probabilists to invest in the field, and together meet the challenges that awaits.

Topics to be treated: The asymptotic shape; competing growth and existence of geodesics; fluctuations and the existence of scaling exponents; columnar defects.

As an introduction to the current state of first-passage percolation, there will be a mini-course held at IMPA the week preceding the workshop (November 10-14), which the participants are welcome to attend. The workshop is part of a longer thematic programme on Probability Theory and Rigorous Statistical Mechanics, organized at IMPA. Participants of the workshop are encouraged to combine their participation with a stay at IMPA during this programme. A list of related events is found below.

Mini-course (IMPA, from 11/10 to 11/14)





Location and Transportation

The venue for the event will be “Hotel La Plage” located in the paradisiacal region of Cabo Frio about 2 hours North of Rio. Transportation on the arrival day (Nov 16th) and departure day (Nov. 22th) will be provided for workshop participants.

From Rio de Janeiro to Hotel La Plage:

Sunday, November 16, leaving IMPA at 3:00PM

From Cabo Frio to Rio de Janeiro:

Bus list:

Saturday, November 22, leaving Hotel La Plage at 13:00 hs, passing by the International Airport and then to IMPA. This trip takes around 2.5 hours

If you want to use this service, please send a message to – subject: Transportation to Hotel La Plage.

Picture of the Group




Registered Participants



Prices for Registration

Category Prices
Professors (Ph.D´s) R$ 150,00
Students (Master and Ph.D) R$ 70,00
IMPA’s Students R$ 40,00



Review lectures

Kenneth Alexander (University of Southern California)
Some themes in first passage percolation and directed polymers

Lionel Levine (Cornell University)
Toward a theory of lattice-dependent growth processes

James Martin (Oxford University)
First-passage and last-passage percolation, particle systems and queues

Philipe Sosoe (Princeton University)
Concentration in first-passage percolation

Marie Theret (Paris VII – Université Denis Diderot)
Maximal flows : a different aspect of first-passage percolation


Daniel Ahlberg (IMPA)
Open Problems

Tonci Antunovic (UCLA)
Stationary Eden Model

Elisabetta Candellero (University of Warwick)
Oil and Water: a two-type internal aggregation model

Partha Dey (University of Warwick)
Multiple phase transitions in long-range first-passage percolation on square lattices.

Nicos Georgiou (University of Sussex)
Busemann functions as solutions to variational formulas

Christopher Hoffman (University of Washington)
The frog model on trees

Arjun Krishnan (New York University)
Variational formula for the time-constant of first-passage percolation

Hubert Lacoin (IMPA)
Counting self-avoiding paths on a supercritical percolation cluster

Régine Marchand – (Université de Lorraine)
First-passage percolation with infinite passage times

Anders Martinsson (Chalmers University of Technology)
First-passage percolation on the n-dimensional hypercube and other n-fold product graphs

Heinrich Matzinger (Georgia Tech)
Longest common subsequences, optimal alignments in relation to percolation models

Robert Morris (IMPA)
Nucleation and growth on Z^2

Leandro Pimentel (UFRJ)
Duality Between Coalescence Times and Exit Points in Last-Passage Percolation Models

Eviatar Procaccia (UCLA)
Stationary aggregation processes and first passage percolation.

Alexandre Stauffer (University of Bath)
Random walk on dynamical percolation

Vladas Sidoravicius (IMPA)
Open Problems

Lorenzo Taggi (Max-Planck-Institute)
Active phase for Activated Random Walk

Vincent Tassion (Universite de Geneve)
A universal behavior in Divide-and-Color percolation

Augusto Teixeira (IMPA)
Interface motion in random media .

Venue: Hotel La Plage



Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 