Workshop Internacional de Sistemas Dinâmicos
Celebrando os 90 anos do Professor Maurício Peixoto
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, de 12/04 até 15/04, 2011
We decided to concentrate the activities of the International Workshop on Dynamical Systems, in honor of Mauricio Peixoto, to April 13-15, 2011. You are free to arrive before and enjoy the ambiance of IMPA
Scientific Committee
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
Welington de Melo (IMPA)
Invited Speakers
Carlos Aragão
From mathematical curiosity to experimental reality: metamaterials, photonics, and plasmonics
Andre de Carvalho
Pruning, new definitions and results.
Fernando Cukierman
Varieties of complexes and foliations.
Edson de Faria
Hyperbolicity of renormalization for unimodal maps: a guided tour
Ronaldo Garcia
Dynamical behavior of special curves on surfaces
Armengol Gasull
Chebyshev systems and limit cycles
Etienne Ghys
From Chebyshev nets to Painlevé differential equations.
Ferry Kwakkel
Dynamics of non-resonant torus homeomorphisms
E. Pujals and E. Lima
Mauricios´ trajectory-reminiscence.
Marco Martens
Renormalization of conservative Henon-maps: Rigidity
John Mather
Arnold Diffusion in Two and One Half and Three Degrees of Freedom
Sheldon Newhouse
An algorithm for the existence of chaos in the Lorenz differential equations
Sergey Novikov
Ground states of 2D Supersymmetric Pauli Operator in Magnetic Field and Soliton Theory
Diogo Pinheiro
The chaotic motion of a charged particle moving in an electric lattice under a uniform magnetic field
Alberto Pinto
Renormalizing the pendulum after Galileo’s observation
Charles Pugh
Jordan curves and funnel sections
Ketty Rezende
Dynamical Spectral Sequences in Conley’s Theory
Jorge Sotomayor
The work of Peixoto on Structural Stability as a paradigm for the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations of Classical Geometry.
Charles Tresser
What mathematics for the physics of small scale would generate geometry as we know it, by averaging or otherwise?
Yang Jiagang
Geometric structures for physical measures
Eletronic Posters
Rodrigo D. Euzébio (UNESP)
Método Averaging e Aplicações
Videos of the Lectures and Pictures
Prices for Registration
Prices | |
Professors, Researchers and Pos-Doctoral | R$ 150.00 |
Students (Master and Ph.D) | R$ 70.00 |
IMPA´s Students | R$ 30.00 |
List of all registered partipants
Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil