Third Palis-Balzan International Symposium on Dynamical Systems
Instituto Henri Poincaré, Paris, June, 14 – 20
Organizing Committee
Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS)
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Carlos Matheus Santos (CNRS)
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France)
Scientific Committee
Artur Avila (IMPA and CNRS)
Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS)
Michael Lyubich (SUNY at Stony Brook – USA)
Welington de Melo (IMPA)
Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Enrique Pujals (IMPA)
Carlos Matheus Santos (CNRS)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France)
List of all Registered Participants
Artur Ávila (IMPA and CNRS)
Continuity of Lyapunov exponents for random matrix products
Lucas Backes
Continuity of Lyapunov Exponents for Fiber-Bunched Cocycles
Jairo Bochi (PUC-Chile)
Ergodic optimization and prevalence
Ricardo Bortolotti (UFPE)
Physical measures for certain partially hyperbolic attractors on 3-manifolds
Christian Bonatti (Université de Bourgogne – Dijon)
Singular hyperbolicity and star flows
Gonzalo Contreras (CIMAT)
The C2 Mañé’s Conjecture on Surfaces
Lorenzo Diaz (PUC-RJ)
The entropy spectrum of Lyapunov exponents in non-hyperbolic skew-products
Elise Goujard
Counting closed geodesics on flat surfaces
Federico Hertz (University Park)
Random Dynamics and a formula for Furstenberg, Kullback-Ledrappier Entropy
Sergio Ibarra (UFRJ)
On the Lagrange and Markov Dynamical Spectra for Flows and Geodesic Flows
Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland)
Stochastic Arnold diffusion of deterministic systems
Juan Rivera-Letelier (PUC-Chile)
Sensitive dependence of geometric Gibbs measures of one-dimensional maps
Michael Lyubich (SUNY at Stony Brook)
On selected problems in Holomorphic Dynamics
Marco Martens (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Renormalization and Symmetry
Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
On the fractal geometry of horseshoes in arbitrary dimensions
Liviana Palmisano (IMPAN, Poland)
On circle maps with a flat interval and Cherry flows
Vilton Pinheiro (UFBA)
Finiteness of attractors for piecewise C2 maps of the interval
Enrique Pujals (IMPA)
On a conjecture of Charles Tresser about surfaces diffeomorphisms in the boundary of chaos
Rafael Potrie (Centro de Matemática – Univ. de la República)
The classification problem for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Martin Sambarino (Fac. de Ciencias del Uruguay)
Attracting circloids and entropy
Weixiao Shen (National University of Singapore)
Hausdorff dimension of the graphs of the classical Weierstrass functions
James Tanis (College de France)
Effective equidistribution of horocycle maps
Damien Thomine (Université Paris-Sud)
Potential kernel, hitting probabilities and limit theorems for Abelian extensions of periodic dynamical systems
Masato Tsujii (Kyushu University)
On the error term of the Prime Orbit Theorem for expanding semi-flows
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
Cr-density of hyperbolicity (non-uniform) among partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Amie Wilkinson (University of Chicago)
Mixing properties of the Weil-Petersson geodesic flow
Lan Wen (Peking University)
The problem of characterizing structural stability revisited
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