First Palis-Balzan International Symposium on Dynamical Systems

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, de 25/06 até 29/06, 2012


This symposium is part of Project Palis-Balzan – Dynamical Systems, Chaotic Behaviour-Uncertainty, sponsored by the Balzan Foundation, from the award conferred to Jacob Palis by the Balzan Foundation in 2010 to Jacob Palis and IMPA and with support from CAPES, CNPq and FAPERJ. 

The aim of the project, involving scientists from different regions of the world and lasting for five years, has as main goal to advance the global conjecture of the finiteness of the number of attractors. Important topics of the project are also the linear cocycles and Lyapunov exponents. 

As participants of this project, we have Jacob Palis, and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, Fields Medal in 1994, as coordinators and about 20 other renowned mathematicians from Brazil (Artur Avila, Carlos Gustavo Moreira, Enrique Pujals, Lorenzo Diaz, Marcelo Viana, Maria José Pacífico, Welington de Melo), and from France (Carlos Matheus, Sylvain Crovisier, Christian Bonatti and Pierre Berger), U.S. (Marco Martens, Michael Lyubich), England (Sebastian van Strien), China (Lan Wen) and Uruguay (Martin Sambarino, Alvaro Rovella), and about 10 young doctors. 

This symposium aims to promote research at the highest level in the area of dynamical systems, especially in the above topics, with the effective participation of excellent research groups of foreign and national researchers. 

It also aims to put post-doctoral students and young researchers in contact with the best that is produced worldwide in the above and related issues, disseminating recent results and providing a scientific exchange on a world level. In particular, this encourages the development of the Brazilian group in the area, which is increasingly asserting itself in the international arena. 


History of previous events: 

There is a great tradition of great events in the area of Dynamical Systems at IMPA. In this particular case of Palis-Balzan Symposium, we are initiating a series of three events, this being the first. The second symposium will be held at the Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, from June 10-14, 2013 and the third, back to IMPA in 2014.



Invited Participants

Artur Ávila – IMPA-RJ and CNRS-France
Pierre Berger – CNRS-France
Christian Bonatti – Université de Bourgogne – Dijon
Sylvain Crovisier – CNRS-France
Lorenzo Diaz – PUC-RJ
Yuri Gomes – IMPA-RJ 
Alejandro Kocsard – UFF 
Andrés Koropecki – UFF
Michael Lyubich – SUNY at Stony Brook – USA
Welington de Melo – IMPA-RJ
Marco Martens – SUNY at Stony Brook – USA
Carlos Gustavo Moreira – IMPA-RJ 
Sheldon Newhouse – Michigan State University 
Maria José Pacífico – Federal University RJ 
Vilton Pinheiro – UFBA 
Rafael Potrie – Centro de Matemática – Univ. de la República
Erique Pujals – IMPA-RJ
Alvaro Rovella – Universidad de la República
Martin Sambarino – Fac. de Ciencias del Uruguay
Carlos Matheus Santos – CNRS-France
Sebastian Van Strien – University of Warwick – UK
Marcelo Viana – IMPA-RJ
Jiagang Yang – UFF 
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz – Collège de France (Co-Coordinator)
Lan Wen – Peking University-Peking


Invited Pos-Docs

Yuri Lima – Weizmann Institute of Science 
Jorge Eric López – IMPA
Waliston Luiz Silva – Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei
David Zmiaikou – Univ. Paris-Sud 



Artur Ávila – IMPA and CNRS,France
On the metric properties of Feigenbaum Julia sets

Pierre Berger – CNRS, France
Zoology in the Hénon family from twin baby Hénon like attractors

Christian Bonatti – Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
Foliated hyperbolicity 

Sylvain Crovisier – CNRS, France
Newhouse phenomenon and uniformity of extremal bundles 

Lorenzo Diaz – PUC – Rio de Janeiro
Robust vanishing of all central Lyapunov exponents 

Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo – IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
Images of Julia sets that you can trust 

Nicolas Gourmelon – Université Bordeaux 1
C^r dichotomies between Newhouse phenomena and dominated splittings, at homoclinic points. 

Pablo Guarino – Facultad de Ingenieria y Agrimesura
Rigidity of Critical Circle Map

Alejandro Kocsard – UFF,Niterói, RJ  
Distributionally uniquely ergodic diffeomorphisms

Andrés Koropecki – UFF,Niterói, RJ  
Prime ends rotation number and periodic points

Yuri Lima – Weizmann Institute 
Stationary spaces of discrete groups: an Abramov formula 

Jorge Eric López – IMPA
Stable projections of cartesian products of regular Cantor sets 

Michael Lyubich – SUNY at Stony Brook , USA
On homoclinic tangencies in the complex Henon family

Marco Martens – SUNY at Stony Brook , USA
On the Hyperbolicity of Lorenz Renormalization 

Carlos Gustavo Moreira – IMPA-RJ 
On the Continuity of Fractal Dimensions of Horseshoes on Dimenson 3

Sheldon Newhouse – Michigan State University, EUA
The Lorenz Equations: A Survey of Rigorous Results

Maria José Pacífico – Federal University, Rio de Janeiro
Fiber contracting maps versus Lorenz-like attractors 

Vilton Pinheiro – UFBA, Bahia 
Measures with historic behavior

Rafael Potrie – Centro de Matemática – Univ. de la República
Partial hyperbolicity and leaf conjugacy in nilmanifolds

Enrique Pujals – IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
“Critical points”; for surfaces diffeomorphisms, abundance of periodic orbits and structural stability 

Alvaro Rovella – Universidad de la República 
Structural stability in dimension two

Martín Sambarino – Fac. de Ciencias del Uruguay
Some questions, problems and remarks regarding C^r dynamics

Carlos Matheus Santos – CNRS, France
Fractal geometry of non-uniformly hyperbolic horseshoes 

Waliston Luiz Silva – Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei 
On the geometry of horseshoes

Sebastian Van Strien – Imperial College London 
On stochastic stability of expanding circle maps with neutral fixed points 

J. Regis Varão – USP – São Carlos 
Center foliation: Absolute continuity, Disintegration and Rigidity

Marcelo Viana – IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
Time 1 maps of geodesic flows 

Jiagang Yang – UFF Niterói, RJ 
Diffeomorphisms with Contracting Center

Jean-Christophe Yoccoz – Collège de France  
Perturbations of Roth type interval exchange maps and translation Surfaces 

David Zmiaikou – Univ. Paris-Sud
Square-tiled surfaces and generating the symmetric group 


Organizing Committee

Artur Avila (IMPA / CNRS ) 
Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS)
Michael Lyubich (SUNY)
Welington Celso de Melo (IMPA)
Carlos Gustavo T. de A. Moreira (IMPA)
Jacob Palis (IMPA) – Main Coordinator
Enrique Pujals (IMPA)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
Jean Cristophe Yoccoz (Collége de France) – Co-coordinator 


Organizing Institutions

An activity of: INCTMat 



Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 