5th Meeting on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
August 12 – August 14 – IMPA
Our research group in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (ALGA) is organizing the fifth meeting since 1997. This year we will meet from August 12 to 14 at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is a satellite meeting to the XVII Brazilian Algebra Meeting. The meeting will be special, as we will celebrate the sixtieth anniversaries of two mathematicians who greatly contributed to forming our group, Aron Simis (UFPE) and Steven Kleiman (MIT).
Organizing Committee
Arnaldo Garcia (IMPA)
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA)
Abramo Hefez (UFF)
Amílcar Pacheco (UFRJ)
Antônio Engler (UNICAMP)
Arnaldo Garcia (IMPA)
Aron Simis (UFPe)
Barry Green (U. Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Carlos Bahiano (UFBa)
Carolina Araújo (Princeton, USA)
Cicero Carvalho (U. Uberlândia)
Daniel Levcovitz (USP, São Carlos)
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA)
Fernando Xavier (UFPb)
Francesco Russo (UFPe)
Hans-Georg Rück (U. Kassel, Germany)
Hernando Bedoya Rodriguez (UERJ)
Isabel Bermejo (U. La Laguna, Spain)
Ivan Pan (UFRGS)
Jaime Edmundo Apaza Rodriguez (PUC/RJ)
José Gilvan Oliveira (UFES)
Josinalva Estácio Menezes (UFRPe)
Juscelino Bezerra dos Santos (IMPA)
Lucia Caporaso (Rome 3, Italy)
Luciane Quoos Conte (UFRJ)
Marc Chardin (Jussieu, France)
Marc Hindry (U. Paris VII, Jussieu, France)
Marcelo Escudeiro Hernandes (U. Maringá)
Masaaki Homma (U. Kanagawa, Japan)
Miriam Abdón (PUC-RJ)
Neuza Kakuta (UNESP, São José do Rio Preto)
Parham Salehyan (IMPA)
Patrícia Helena Araújo da Silva Nogueira (IMPA)
Paulo Brumatti (UNICAMP)
Paulo Henrique Viana (PUC-RJ)
Paulo Machado (UFMG)
Philippe Gimenez (U. Valladolid, Spain)
Rene Schoof (Rome 2, Italy)
Severino Collier Coutinho (UFRJ)
Steven Kleiman (MIT, USA)
Valmecir Bayer (UFES)
Yves Lequain (IMPA)
Lucia Caporaso (Roma 3, Italy) – Geometrical and combinatorial properties of stable spin curves
Marc Chardin (Jussieu, France) – Liaison of varieties of small dimensions and cohomology
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA) –
Arnaldo Garcia (IMPA) – Some constructions of curves over finite fields
Philippe Gimenez (U. Valladolid, Spain) – Saturation and regularity of a homogeneous ideal
Abramo Hefez (UFF) – Analytic classification of plane branches up to multiplicity four
Marc Hindry (U. Jussieu, France) – About the rank of Jacobians over function fields
Masaaki Homma (U. Kanagawa, Japan) – Weierstrass pairs on a curve
Amílcar Pacheco (UFRJ – UB) – Distribution of the traces of Frobenius on elliptic curves over function fields
Hans-Georg Rueck (U. Kassel, Germany) – Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields and Cryptography
Francesco Russo (UFPe) – Birational maps and projective geometry
Rene Schoof (U. Roma 2, Italy) – Abelian varieties over Q with bad, semi-stable reduction in one prime only
Monday, August 12
09:00 – 09:50 |
Geometrical and combinatorial properties of stable spin curves |
10:00 – 10:50 |
Opening |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 – 12:20 |
Saturation and regularity of a homogeneous ideal |
12:20 – 15:00 |
Lunch Break |
15:00 – 15:50 |
Analytic classification of plane branches up to multiplicity four |
16:00 – 16:50 |
Distribution of the traces of Frobenius on elliptic curves over function fields |
17:00 – 17:30 |
Coffee Break |
17:30 – 18:20 |
Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields and Cryptography |
Tuesday, August 13
09:00 – 09:50 |
Liaison of varieties of small dimensions and cohomology |
10:00 – 10:50 |
Weierstrass pairs on a curve |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 – 12:20 |
Some constructions of curves over finite fields |
12:20 – 15:00 |
Lunch Break |
15:00 – 19:30 |
Trip to Sugar Loaf |
20:30 – ??:?? |
Dinner at Porcão Rio’s |
Wednesday, August 14
10:00 – 10:50 |
About the rank of Jacobians over function fields |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 – 12:20 |
Birational maps and projective geometry |
12:20 – 15:00 |
Lunch Break |
15:00 – 15:50 |
Abelian varieties over Q with bad, semi-stable reduction in one prime only |
16:00 – 16:50 |
Limits of ramification points in families of plane curves |