Contributed Talks
A proximal-like algorithm with regularized logarithmic barrier
R. Gárciga
Proximal methods for the resolution of variational problems
L. Parente
A proximal method with separable Bregman distances for quasiconvex minimization
over the nonnegative orthant
S.S. Souza
Dual convergence for penalty proximal point algorithms in convex programming
F. Álvarez
Outer approximation schemes for generalized semi-infinite variational inequality problems
J. Lopes
An explicit method for variational inequalities
J.Y. Bello Cruz
Korpelevich’s method for variational inequality problem in Banach spaces
M. Nasri
Semismooth methods for a hemivariational inequality
V.A. Kovtunenko
Motzkin decomposition of closed convex sets
J.E. Martínez-Legaz
Subdifferential estimate of the classical directional derivative for lower semicontinuous functions
M. Lassonde
An extension of Fenchel’s conjugation
A.A. Ribeiro
A globalized Newton’s method for minimizing matrix functions
M.C. Maciel
A semismooth Newton method for the continuous quadratic knapsack problem
P.J. Silva e Silva
A Gauss-Newton-type method for differentiable exact penalties
E.H. Fukuda
An inexact projection method for an equilibrium problem in a Hilbert space
S. Scheimberg
An existence result for equilibrium problems with some surjectivity consequences
W. Sosa
Local convergence of the proximal point method for a special class of nonconvex functions on Hadamard manifolds
O.P. Ferreira
Bregman proximal algorithms for solving variational inequality problems
on Riemannian manifolds
E.A. Papa Quiroz
Optimization over the efficient set of multi-objective convex optimal control problems
C.Y. Kaya
Numerical solution of a minimax optimal control problem using the Pontryagin maximum principle
L. Aragone
Application of parametric optimization techniques for optimal control
O. Vasilieva
Preconditioned Iterative Methods for solving indefinite problems
Yuan Jin Yun
Allocation of firm-energy rights among hydro agents
M. Fampa
Risk-averse adaptive strategies for large-scale multistage stochastic linear programming
V. Gigues
Hedging under proportional transaction costs
B. Rudloff
Impact of the crude pre-heating trains in the optimization of a crude distillation unit system
D.C. López Cárdenas
Partial spectral projected gradient method with active-set strategy for linearly constrained optimization
M. Andretta
A predictor-corrector method for the Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problem in polyhedral cones
W.V.I. Shirabayasi
A hybrid predictor-corrector-proximal-point method for the linear monotone complementarity problem
M. Romero Sicre
A projected gradient method for vector optimization with relative error and inexact line searches
L.M. Graña Drummond
A quasi-Newton algorithm for multiobjective optimization
Fernanda Raupp
Conjugate directions in multicriteria optimization
L.R. Lucambio Pérez
A reliable method for obtaining the complete weakly efficient set of nonlinear biobjective optimization problems
J. Fernández Hernández
Convex representations of maximal monotone operators in nonreflexive Banach spaces
M.M. Alves
Maximality and continuity
E. Ocaña
Single-directional property of multivalued maps and lack of metric
Y. García
Outer Trust-Region method for constrained optimization
E.G. Birgin
A trust region algorithm for optimization without derivatives
E. Karas
A quasi-Newton strategy for the stabilized sequential quadratic programming method for variational inequality and optimization problems.
D. Fernández
Attitude control problems by Sequential Quadratic Programming
V.L.R. Lopes
Bundle methods for nonconvex optimization
C. Sagastizábal
On the method of Moving Asymptotes for structural optimization: a relaxed and globally convergent version
S. Santos
Derivative-free optimization
M.A. Diniz-Ehrhardt
Convex analysis for set and vector valued functions
A.H. Hamel
A topological Mountain Pass Lemma and its implications regarding the uniqueness of constrained minimizers
W. Mascarenhas
The Constant Rank Condition is a second order constraint qualification
M.L. Schuverdt
On generalizations of the AGP optimality condition
R. Andreani
An incomplete oblique projections method for solving large-scale box constrained least squares problems
H. Scolnik
A generalized like-distance in convex programming
R. Castillo
Using different gradient formulae for inverse problems in ODE models
J.A. Gómez
The bounded cycle cover problem
I. Loiseau
Algebraic connectivity for classes of caterpillars
C.M. Justel
Some completion problems
I.T. Matos
Computational optimization of wireless telecommunication networks
J. Fliege
Continuous optimization in improving productivity and capacity utilization in manufacturing of seasonal products
A.A. Elimam
Optimal auction with a general distribution: virtual valuation without a density
P. Klinger