


André Neves

Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Alcebiades Rigas

Equivarian Homotopy and Deformations of Diffeomorphisms

Alexandre Casassola Gonçalves

Stability of 2nd order elliptic equations on positively curved manifolds

Antonio Caminha Muniz Neto

Complete Spacelike Hypersurfaces in Conformally Stationary Lorentz Manifolds

Antonio Carlos Asperti

New estimates for the scalar curvature of complete minimal hypersurfaces in S^4

Bianca Santoro

CMC hypersurfaces in H^n with prescribed asymptiotics at infinity / Existence of complete Ricci-flat Kahler metrics on resolutions of singularities

Claudio Gorodski

Polar actions on Hilbert spaces

Craig Sutton

Local spectral rigidity of bi-invariant metrics on compact Lie groups

Detang Zhou

Poincare inequalities and applications to minimal hypersurfaces.

Fernando Codá  Cavalcanti Marques

Blow-up examples for the Yamabe Problem

Francisco Torralbo

Surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector in S2 x S2 and H2 x H2

Fred Xavier

Geometric aspects of the Jacobian Conjecture

Francesco Mercuri

Uma breve história da Conjectura de Poincaré

Gabriel Paternain

Transparent connections over negatively curved surfaces

Harold Rosenberg

Fatou theorems for minimal graphs

Henrique José Morais de Araújo

Quantas superfícies Máximas correspondem a uma superfície mínima?

Huai-Dong Cão

Singularities in the Ricci Flow

Keti Tenenblat

On Dupin hypersurfaces with constant Moebius curvature

Laurent Hauswirth

Minimal surfaces in homogeneous spaces

Luis A. Florit

Genuine deformations of submanifolds: the conformal case

Maria Laura Barberis

Canonical Bundles of complex nilmanifolds with applications to hypercomplex geometry

Mohammad Ghomi

Topology of Riemannian submanifolds with prescribed boundary

Nolan Wallach

Ricci gradient shrinking solitons

Oscar Palmas

On Riemannian manifolds foliated by (n-1)-umbilical hypersurfaces

Owen Dearricott

Manifolds with positive curvature

Paolo Piccione

On the singularities of the semi-Riemannian exponential map via symplectic methods

Paulo Alexandre Araújo Sousa

Estimativa Sharp para o Índice de Hipersuperfícies Mínimas na Esfera

Peter Storm

Applying Perelman’s work to hyperbolic volume


Rafael O.Ruggiero  

Rigidity of magnetic flows of compact surfaces

Ruy Tojeiro de Figueiredo Junior

Subvariedades de codimensão dois que atingem a igualdade em uma desigualdade extrínseca

Valério Ramos Batista

The doubly periodic scherk-costa surfaces

Victor Ayala

Controlabilty of Control systems at uniform time