
Alberto Miranda, An Algorithm for Recognizing Pfa_an Near-Bipartite Graphs

Balázs Szegedy, On the Limits of Hypergraphs

Cândida Nunes da Silva, Flow Critical Graphs

Flavio Guiñez, Decomposition of Graphs into Disjoint Factors

Gábor Elek, Hypergraph Regularity and the Removal Lemma. A Non-Standard Approach

Jayme Szwarc_ter, Complexity Aspects of Convexity of Graphs

José Zamora, Nowhere-Zero Flows and Factors

Nicolas Schabanel, Progresses in the Analysis of Stochastic 2D Cellular – Automata: a Study of Asynchronous 2D Minority

Robert Morris, Glauber Dynamics in High Dimensions

Roberto Imbuzeiro de Oliveira, On the Mixing Time of Kac’s Random Walk on Matrices

Sóstenes Lins, A Linear Algorithmic Proof of Lickorish-Wallace The-orem Anexamos um programa detalhado, contendo os resumos das palestras pro-feridas.