Mathematics and Finance: Research in Options 2007
Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, October 21 – 26, 2007
The use of sophisticated mathematical tools in financial engineering ranging from partial differential equations to stochastic analysis and numerical methods has been growing steadily during the past few decades. On the one hand, the mathematical tools and results have impacted the way financial phenomena are modeled and understood, and how risk is assessed and managed. On the other hand, the financial industry has been presenting a number of mathematical and computational challenges to researchers. The conference aims at showing the applications of theoretical advances to practitioners, with a special focus to Brazil.
This is the second conference hosted by IMPA on the subject. It is a follow up of the highly successful previous one Mathematics and Finance: From Theory to Practice. It had in its attendance about 100 participants evenly spread from academia and industry. This year we will focus on different aspects of option pricing ranging from fixed income and volatility trading to real options. We will also have special sessions on risk management and portfolio optimization.
Organizing Committee:
Marco Avellaneda
Courant Institute, USA
Bruno Dupire
Bloomberg, USA
Jorge Zubelli
IMPA, Brazil
Avellaneda(Courant Institute, USA)
B. Dupire(Bloomberg, USA)
J-P. Fouque (UCSB, USA)
M. Grasselli (McMaster University, Canada)
B. Hofmann (Chemnitz, Germany)
T. Hurd (McMaster University, Canada)
S. Jaimungal (U. Toronto, Canada)
P-H. Labordere (SGCIB, France)
R. Lee (Chicago, USA)
T. Pennanen (Helsinki)
C. Sagastizábal (CEPEL, Brazil)
G. Varga (FCE, Brazil)
Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil