Complex Analytic Methods in Dynamical Systems In honor of the 60th birthday of César Camacho

IMPA, 25 de agosto a 29, 2003

  • Organizing Committee

Bruno Scárdua (UFRJ)
 Marcio Soares (UFMG)


  • Scientific Committee

Etienne Ghys (ENS, Lyon),
Robert Moussu (Univ. Bourgogne),
Jean-Paul Brasselet (IML-Luminy),
Alcides Lins Neto (IMPA) 
Marcio Soares (UFMG)


  • Plenarys

On the cohomological equation for interval exchange maps
J. C. Yoccoz, Collège de France

Some problems concerning germs of singular varieties
Alcides Lins Neto, IMPA

On periods of complete polynomial vector fields
Marco Brunella, Univ. Bourgogne

Galois Differential Theory and Riemann Surfaces
José M. Aroca – Universidad de Valladolid

Desingularization of Vector Fields. Perspectives.
Felipe Cano, Universidad de Valladolid

On the holonomy group of algebraic curves invariant by holomorphic foliations
Jorge Vitório Pereira, IMPA

Intermediate Thom classes and the residues of Chern classes
Tatsuo Suwa

Generalizations of the Camacho-Sad index theorem and applications
Filippo Bracci, Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Dynamics of birational maps of surfaces
Eric D. Bedford, Indiana University

Algorythme de Godbillon Vey
Dominique Cerveau, Université de Rennes 1

Analytic normal forms for singularities of planar vector fields
Frank Loray, Chargé de Recherches au CNRS, Université de Rennes 1

Geometry and Dynamics of Holomorphic Flows
Xavier Gómez Mont, CIMAT, México

Compact Lie groups as orbit spaces
Marcel Nicolau, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Summability in several variables: singularly perturbed differential equations
Jorge Mozo, Universidad de Valladolid

Motivic integration and Igusa’s monodromy conjectuere
Ignacio Luengo, Universidade Complutense de Madrid

Meromorphic connections on the projective line
Hossein Movasati, Georg-August-Universtaet, Germany

Indices of 1-forms and invariants of singular varieties
José Seade, UNAM, México

Invariant curves for real plane analytic vector fields
Jean-Jacques Risler, Institut de Mathematiques Analyse Algebrique, Jussieu

Modules de cobordismes et reliabilite semi-locale de germes de feuilletages holomorphes singuliers en dimension 2
Jean-François Mattei, Univ. Paul Sabatier

A renormalization technique for vector fields and some applications
Julio Rebelo, PUC-RJ

Web Geometry of Solutions of First Order Odes
Isao Nakai, Ochanomizu University

An upper bound for the total sum of the Baum-Bott indexes of a holomorphic foliation and the Poincaré problem
Sergio Licanic

A Poincaré-Hopf type theorem for holomorphic one-forms
Bruno Scárdua, UFRJ




Divisão de Atividades Científicas
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada – IMPA
Estrada Dona Castorina 110
22460-320 Rio de Janeiro, RJ -Brazil