Workshop: Dinâmica Caótica Real e Conservativa

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 7 a 11 de janeiro de 2002


Comitê Organizador

Jacob Palis (Coordenador), IMPA
Carlos Gustavo Moreira, IMPA
Marcelo Viana, IMPA
Welington de Melo, IMPA



Finitude de atratores e medidas físicas
Hiperbolicidade parcial e projetiva
Teoria ergódica de atratores
Bifurcações homoclínicas e dimensões fractais
Sistemas singulares e bilhares
Dinâmica conservativa
Atratores de campos de vetores
Sistemas não-uniformemente hiperbólicos
Dinâmica uni-dimensional



André Navas – École Normale Superieure, Lyon, França
Aubin Arroyo – IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Carlos Gutierrez – IME/USP, São Paulo, Brasil
Charles Pugh – Univ. California, Berkeley, USA
Eduardo Colli – IME/USP, São Paulo, Brasil
Eduardo Muñoz – Univ. Católica del Norte, Chile
Flavio Erthal Abdenur – IMPA, Brasil
Fraçois Ledrappier – École Polytechnique, França
Imre Toth – Technical University of Budapest, Hungria
Jose Alves – Univ. do Porto – Portugal
Luis Gustavo Mendes – Unisinos – RG, Brasil
Marco Antonio Teixeira – IMECC/UNICAMP, Brasil
Michael Shub – IBM, NY, USA
Nivaldo Costa Muniz – Univ. Fed. Maranhão, Brasil
Peter Balint – Univ. Alfred Renyi, Hungria
Rafael Labarca – Univ. de Santiago de Chile
Rodrigo Bamón – Univ. de Chile
Sérgio Plaza – Univ. de Santiago de Chile
Tamas Varju – Technical Univ. of Budapest – Hungria
Vanderlei Minori Horita – UNESP, S.J.Rio Preto – Brasil



7 de Janeiro – Segunda-Feira
10:00 -10:45
Sala 236
Michael Shub, IBM, NY
Entropy lower bounds for a family of twist maps of S2-Experimental evidence
11:00 – 11:45
Sala 236
Carlos Gutierrez, USP – S. Carlos
On globally injective C1 maps of the plane
14:00 – 14:45
Sala 236
Tamás Varjú, Tech. Univ. of Budapest
Recurrence of planar Lorentz-process


8 de Janeiro – Terça-Feira
10:00 -10:45
Sala 236
Charles Pugh, Univ.Cal. Berkeley
Generic Riemann Structures
11:00 – 11:45
Sala 236
E. Colli, IME/USP
Chaos versus renormalization in homoclinic bifurcations of S-unimodal families
14:00 – 14:45
Sala 236
M.A. Teixeira, UNICAMP
Equivalence of reversible and Hamiltonian systems around an elliptic equilibria in 4D
15:30 – 16:15
Sala 236
Federico Rodriguez-Hertz, IMPA
Stable ergodicity for toral automorphisms


9 de Janeiro – Quarta-Feira
10:00 -10:45
Sala 236
José Alves, Univ. do Porto
On the uniform hyperbolicity of some nonuniformly hyperbolic systems
11:00 – 11:45
Sala 236
André Navas, E.N.S., Lyon
On groupos of C2-diffeomorphisms of the circle generated by elements near rotations
14:00 – 14:45
Sala 236
Peter Balint, Imre Toth, Tech.Univ. Budapest
Geometry of multidimensional semi-dispersing billiards
15:30 – 16:30
Sala 236
Flávio Abdenur, IMPA
Thesis Defense
Isolated transitive sets of C1-generic dynamical systems


10 de Janeiro – Quinta-Feira
10:00 -10:45
Sala 236
François Ledrappier, Ecole Polytechnique
Local characteristics for hyperbolic systems
11:00 – 11:45
Sala 236
Sergio Plaza, Univ.Sant.Chile
Strong Continuity of the Frobenius-Perron Semigroup
17:30 – 18:30
Sala 236
Aubin Arroyo, IMPA
Thesis Defense
Homoclinic bifurcations and uniform hiperbolicity for three-dimensional flows


11 de Janeiro – Sexta-Feira
10:00 – 10:45
Sala 236
Enrique Pujals, UFRJ
Some results on dominated decomposition in dimension bigger than 2
11:00 – 11:45
Sala 236
Rodrigo Bamon, Univ. de Chile
On a family of differential equations
17:30 – 18:30
Sala 236
Ali Tahzibi, IMPA
Thesis Defense
Stably ergodic systems which are not partially hyperbolic